For the love of God. Normally I'm against smashing the BBC, but in this instance please feel free. Who ever wrote this needs sacking.
"some animals and plants could benefit and flourish in a changing climate" Which of course will make up for the millions of species that go extinct due to climate change
Just presenting a balanced view of what has happened and what is likely to happen far as I’m concerned.
It's irresponsible to even suggest there are positives to a global crisis that could render huge swathes of land uninhabitable and kill millions of people.
Not to mention that the positives are theoretical ideas without any significant evidence. Teaching pseudoscience in our schools is a dangerous precedent to set.
Bbc bitesize is to help with exams. What exam question doesn't need both positives and negatives to be discussed? Really can't see a problem on skim reading it.
No problem with that revision guide at all. A good student would simply state both sides of the argument and explain which will have the bigger effect on the planet overall.
That's a really disappointing article. It seems there was more importance placed on having equal number of negatives and positives rather than the weight of each positive and negative.
So you think these so called positives are worthy of teaching? It's like discussing the positives of murder or dog fighting. The only people who could claim there are positives are those who are able to capitalise on it.
Lots of positives for the planet if humans go extinct due to their own idiocy/selfishness. I suppose it depends on the point of view of the question.
“it will be easier to get licenses to mine and drill for oil in Alaska if the place is already f*cked by climate change” That’s a positive?
We are screwed anyway . If the plan is to build a billion electric cars to solve climate change then we clearly haven't learnt from past errors . The key is less consumption but as with all things capitalist you ll need to buy something to save the planet . A self defeating prophecy .
Honestly in schools it's full on with the climate change message, you really don't have to worry about them accentuating the positives!
Same school kids that have constant updated mobile phones, clothes are that disposable, heating on at the slightest drop of temp, dropped off by mummy at the gates in big cars and so forth. Those kids?