It's started already....
To be honest, I don't think Marcondes will have come out of any complex algorithm we use. Was probably more a VI target, given West Brom are also linked.
At some point we are going to have to put in protocol's which mean that the first sign of success for a manager or player results in them leaving the club at the first opportunity. As some people have mentioned before, clubs around us and further down the food chain have better success at this than we do. From information I know about the club (outside of the public eye), we could do more to keep players/managers engaged with Barnsley FC. On a side note, when the owners took over they said something along the lines of 'if the situation presents itself where a realistic tilt at the Premier League becomes obtainable, the owners will back it'. Now, losing in the playoffs would certainly make it seem to me like we now fit that criteria where it would be realistic. Are the owners going to back it? What does that mean/look like? Has COVID changed this?
My own concern is that the CEO & Head Coach etc will be taking our “information “ to 2 other clubs regarding player targets - not a great situation
What's the law regarding his wife? If he's left she is still in a senior position at the club and possibly privvy to sensitive information going forward.
He's dumped us for a rival at the first opportunity, at the worst possible time, and taken another key member of staff with him. That's how I shall remember him.
Given by her own admission, a position was found for her as Dane didnt want to come on his own, unless she has proven to be irreplaceable I wouldn’t be surprised if she went quietly in due course.
Agree with you Curt re restrictive covenants, fixed term contracts, gardening leave etc. However, I'm reserving any judgement until we see what plans we have as and when Dane and the Club Secretary leave. Speculation is is the way with all fans forums, but yet again, the knives are being sharpened and the pitchforks are being waved before we know the facts. Plus ca change..........
Careful there Durkar!! You're likely to get right royally f1ckd on here for trying to put a slightly positive slant on anything coming out of the club.
As far as the law is concerned there's not much you can do about it. Any decent employment contract should include terms preventing you from passing on trade secrets to all and sundry, so if you can prove that someone did that you can put take action against them.
Every season when someone leaves lots of people jump on the slagging the club off bandwagon and everything is a disaster. Then the club end up coming good, Helic Anderson Brittain Morris, Stendel Struber, Val, GG, Dane then the same people go quiet but never apologise. Lets see what happens.
I think that’s a bit harsh. He’s young and ambitious and wants to work for a club that share his ambition. Forest obviously do that in a way (I was going to say, we never can - but that’s untrue) in a way that we’ve decided not to. We are a stepping stone for the ambition of players, Coaches and now it appears, CEOs. That’s always been the case in the 45 years I’ve followed the Club but now, possibly, just even more so.
I really don’t want to be that poster who goes back months to bump something said. But I’m sorry, the chickens are coming home to roost here. Schopp is woeful and has to go - but we can’t honestly be that surprised at how bad things are, given how much disruption was allowed to happen in the summer.
If I was looking at the right guy Dane couldn't have been sat much further away from the home directors box where he was sat in the away directors box. Pre match hand shakes and welcomes between the two boxes he was sat down not getting involved. Whatever went off hasn’t been forgotten.
Thats what I thought. Usual big grey (I think?) winter coat far right of the directors box? If he was any further over he would have been joining the Sky reporter.