Knowing what I do about masks through work I will definitely not be wearing one. Plus the general public as a majority haven’t been wearing the correct masks & haven’t even been wearing masks correctly! A snood doesn’t protect anyone ffs!
I just see people walking down the street, nowhere near anyone, and think why are you wearing a mask? There are lots of ludicrous examples but what about the 12th men running on to the cricket field with drinks or helmets or gloves etc? They’ve always got a mask on, but why and to what purpose? They’re out in the fresh air with every other player so why do they need to cover up? This whole business has to stop this month. The sooner the better
Because if you’re going between places that need a mask, it’s better to just keep it on than taking it off and putting it back on. Every time I’ve been out to places that require masks I’ve put my mask on once then taken it off when I know I’m not going to need to put it back on again. After a couple of minutes I don’t even notice it’s on, so it’s not a problem.
Good for you if you don’t notice you are wearing it. I DO!! I hate wearing it. I resent being told what to do by these useless people who don’t have a clue.
But you’re getting wound up about people doing what they want (wearing a mask walking down the street or at the cricket), calling it ludicrous and saying it must stop whilst at the same time saying you don’t like people telling you what to do. Why must they stop wearing one if they want to wear one? Do you want people to have freedom of choice or not?
Build a bonfire Build a bonfire Put the face masks on the top Place some more on the middle And we'll burn the lot
Looking through #WearAMask I don't think this business will be alone, so you might have to keep carrying a mask in case you cannot get in somewhere.
You are spot on. Within the NHS we are preparing for a further increase of hospitalisation and fatalities from mid September. Their is a major RSV virus in Peadiatrics here and now and this will continue over Winter.. Which means less staff availability in Adults where paediatric nurses filled in the gaps la's winter. Those of you with your head in the sand.. Watch and be attentive not dismissive.
I'd rather have the snotty nose and the cough. At least they don't make my glasses steam up. I'm halfway round Asda before I can see what I'm buying.
I have not had any coughs colds since started wearing one so probably will, plus being 30 percent deaf my speaking voice is not very good and as always made me paranoid about talking to people,so the mask is a good excuse for my mumbling and as made me more confident in a strange way
There has never been a legal requirement to wear a face mask. It is a legal requirement to wear a face covering in certain settings. A face covering is defined as something that safely covers the nose and mouth. Technically wearing a face shield is illegal.. A face covering is not classified as PPE either. The entire use of face masks is Covid theatre. Its designed to affect people physiologically to prevent social contact. There is no evidence that face coverings make any difference whatsoever outside of clinical settings. Most of the Government papers be it Nervetag or SAGE are at best suggesting the effects are minute, the effects are contradictory or at worst outside of properly fitted N95 or equivalent utterly useless. Even Shagger Handcock when they were introduced to shops last year stated they were to give the impression of safety rather than for actual safety. The entire Covid strategy is based as much on behavioural science as it is on anything else. It always has been. Susan Michie a prominent member of SAGE as an example. Some of the published papers make interesting reading. A lot of it is as if they have paraphrased Bidermans table of coercion as a blueprint. No doubt the usual arguments about our Asian brothers will pop up about wearing them because they prevent the 'flu. They are traditionally worn in Japan for hayfever. Japan still has a flu season. Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan have all had significant waves post mask mandates. Korea for example has a 99% adherence rate to wearing them in outdoor settings.. substantial recent wave. I dont really care if you choose to wear a mask or not. Its ultimately your choice. What does need to end is this quasi religious bordering on the obsessive worshipping NPI's.
I've never been a lover of the face mask / muzzel be honest....however I do believe it should now be compulsory to wear a face mask and use sanitiser when entering supermarkets and food shops...from now on.....if only down to the amount of folk who fail to wash their hands after using the toilet...we've all seen folk do doubt .. disgusting habit