Just can’t get the thought process of some of these vile idiots https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www....germany-crying-girl-wembley-b1875515.html?amp
It’s nowt to do wi how they brought up half the time , The idiots that chased whitty were doing what they thought was natural according to the social media circles they moved in . Posting loutish behaviour on their preferred sites . Maybe few more sackings which one them received will start to make them realise there are consequences to bullying people for their airtime laughs .
She's had the last laugh. https://www.timesnownews.com/the-bu...man-supporter-in-euro-2020-raises-over/779778
Yes but were thousands of people on social media mocking them and calling them ‘Nazi lovely person**’ and ‘slags’? She’s about 7 for Christ’s sake.
I wouldn’t be so sure based on some of the alleged horrific historic tweets sent by the guy who set up the Gofundme.
You’re gonna back that up with evidence or admit you were quick to make some horrific allegations? Or do you think the word ‘alleged’ gets you off the hook?
Very true actually. Images all over the place taking the piss out of that lad, plenty of insults at the time which he will have seen. But nobody battered an eyelid then.