Rosco is doing a casual tyke and refusing to pay up until the 15th even though it's been confirmed that masks will be in place after then
Can't see it myself ( not saying we won't though) but I think many including myself would ask what's the point of the vaccine then.
you must be joking, it will be fking chaos, the great British public behaving sensibly? Pfffff. Johnson telling folk to be responsible for their own actions with no restrictions. We’ll be solidly under the cosh again before September is out IMHO
The vaccine doesn't make you immune. My niece and two lads at work both tested positive a few weeks after getting their second jabs.
All decisions are made by the ERG group of Tory's and passed on to the clown to act on and he dare not retaliate as he'll end up like May our last prime minister out on his arse.
I think that there won't be any turning back after July 19th. There'd be chaos and people would take to the streets (people who no doubt voted for these criminals).
As I understand it the vaccine prevents in the huge majority of cases, serious illness. Either vaccination works or it doesn’t. The Government has now made full vaccination available to all vulnerable groups. There is nothing more they can do without making restrictions permanent.
I get that mate, my point is what else can be done, locking down every few months is not the answer imo, all you are doing is delaying it by a few months, unless their is super vaccine rolled out ( which I don't think their ever will be) i think as many are saying we need to live with it and add our own safety measures where we can, but lockdowns, operations cancelled and whole year groups missing out on education is more harmful in my opinion. A good friend at work as had both jabs and tested positive last week, he feels fine, he says its only sniffles, if he hadn't had the vaccine it may have been more severe
I would keep squeezing those rosemary beads. The ink isnt dry until the 12th so plenty of time for the gas lighting showers of ***** to change their minds. Not withstanding the Covid Act isnt being repelled so its there like the sword of Damocles...
To be honest i think considering we've been under lockdown or restrictions for 18 months the British public have been great in general' theres been idiots of course but pretty good i'd say...
Rosemary beads!!!! hahahahaha That beats "gorilla warfare" from earlier. I await reaper cushions for the hat trick.