Have you been locked in your house since March 2020? Tbf if I knew you I’d deffo try to convince you that you had to stay indoors.
It is not illegal to leave your home. Even in the first lockdown you could leave for exercise, to help care for someone, to work, to shop, to exercise. Watch this to get some perspective on house arrest. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ss...d=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=Yp1k4m_jzQelmM
I didnt really follow the 2nd and 3rd but I couldnt do anything anyway so I was just walking to supermarkets and other houses
They let prisoners exercise & work. Mar2020- june 2020, november 2020 and jan 2021-apr 21 it was no life And it was depressing in all the tiers too
https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/13/burma-chronology-aung-san-suu-kyis-detention Here you go this is actual house arrest not you whingeing
For me the bottom line is that the Government is now asking the population to be both sensible and thoughtful towards others in order to limit the spread of the virus. The problem with this is that although many will be sensible and will think about others there are plenty of complete nobs out there who only think about themselves such that any attempt to keep infection down will be extremely hard to do. There will, as has been implied by the Government, now be a lot more deaths. Sad, but almost certain true. On a personal note I will still be wearing my face muzzle/freedom restrictor when I'm in a populated indoor space for any length of time.
You have to do what you feel is the proper thing to do based on your personal/family circumstances. We all should also look after other people as best we can should we not?