Absolutely your choice. I just think it's very sad and a shame. They've made people scared of other people. I think society has been made irreparably worse for it.
That's just utter rubbish, why wouldn't anyone want to live a normal life, do you actually know anyone who wants restrictions to last?
In a perverse way I do. I've got used to life without the pub and football. I actually prefer drinking in the house and being able to get more for less. I enjoy having a bet and watching football and horse racing on the tv. I enjoy saving up to go away for the odd weekend. I enjoy tipping up to Laura and her divvying out the money and taking care of finances. When we leave lockdown properly. Life will mean more choices, harder to save up etc.
Just because not everybody is shouting their glee from the rooftops doesn’t mean people want restrictions to stay. People are apprehensive. That’s all.
We just cant win If they lifted it in autumn people would say we should wait till spring I cant see any point in time that lifting restrictions wouldnt provoke a backlash from some
I think people are rightly cautious, wanting it done properly. They've gone through hardships and made the ultimate sacrifices and don't want to go through it again to appease a few selfish people.
The main backlash is not against the lifting of restrictions on numbers or movement, it's against selfish, dumb, I'm-alright-jack ****s like you, who have zero concern for the welfare of others. You're a fu¢king disgrace.
Not everybody is massively bothered about “going back to normal” in the same way you are. Many wouldn’t mind if masks were around for the foreseeable future. They don’t consider masks restrictions. Many people will never go back to an office again, which will be a great benefit to many people. There will be changes that covid restrictions have led to that will never go back. That’s not necessarily always a bad thing. The world will not go back to exactly how things were in 2019 - it will hopefully be a better place going forward and steps can be taken to hopefully prevent something like this happening again.
Another classic BBS thread. 1) One poster comes on, makes some arguments not really grounded in any logic and written in poor English - today's idiot is Sunlighter 2) People respond to this post criticising it. 3) Original poster doubles down saying they're entitled to 'an opinion', without realising that others are entitled to take that opinion to pieces if it doesn't make sense. 4) Loads more or the saner posters pile in, aka the clique. 5) Original poster won't admit they're wrong. Argument gets more nonsensical. 6) Bam, 10 pages.
Ive worked the entirety of this pandemic in a supermarket. Anywhere between 8 and 12 hours a day, depending how many were off isolating at the time, wearing a mask that i detest having to wear, that makes me feel uncomfortable and often quite nauseous after awhile. I do this everyday though despite the fact that loads of people stroll around Asda without a mask, claiming they are exempt despite having nothing to prove they are. You know these people aren't exempt though because they have a smug arrogant look on their face because they know we cant do anything about it . You strike me as one of those people
I wish you were allowed to ask them to do their shopping elsewhere or get someone who is willing to wear a mask to do it for them. I once saw a bouncer/security guard turn someone away at Asda living at Parkgate. A person said to him he was exempt. The security guard pointed to someone wearing a mask and said "but they aren't" and wouldn't allow them in. It caused a bit of a furore but I was impressed nonetheless.
Imagine being asked to wear a piece of cloth on your face while on a crowded train, being told it could protect others from serious illness, and saying no. I truly despair.