In January after Johnson had allowed 'freedom' at Christmas there were over 38,000 people in hospital week on week. Numbers will definitely rise again now and people who don't wear masks in enclosed areas when they can do will be contributing to that rise in numbers.
I hope the reaction on this thread is a good gauge of wider society because if it is we might be alright.
Good for you if you've come to that conclusion. It's a thoughtful, well-explained and rational point of view.
You know in zombie movies how there’s always one character that hides a zombie, hides a bite, let’s a zombie in etc. I always thought it was unrealistic. The last 18 months has proved that people would happily work with the zombies in an apocalypse. Just need some right wing **** disturbers on Twitter to announce that helping the zombies is the only way to guarantee freedom and it would get lapped up.
The only difference is that in the films, said person is usually ashamed and embarrassed about what they've done. Not this bloke.
Just out of interest, where do you live, I can imagine that would be very irritating, every 5 seconds, WOW.
I don't think it's a real person. I reckon it's "selfbot" (no relation to "newsbot") that's been programmed to seek attention by making up selfish quotes to state that it doesn't care about anyone's health or well-being, and does what it wants. Whoever programmed it did a pretty decent job.
Government have had plenty of trial events to show it's safe..... Wimbledon from today is going to be sold out the rest of the week so they will soon see how many cases that brings. How you feel today might not be how you feel in five weeks. It's very respectful of you to ask the wife. Hope you decide to be back for the first game with everyone
Try face masks instead, I would imagine they're a lot comfier not to mention effective. Point your phone camera and scan, it takes a few seconds & can be done at a leisurely pace.
The weird thing to me is that he only charges his phone when he sees a Covid QR code. Seems less than efficient.