Sorry, I honestly think you’re misremembering. Penfold gave a speech on April 3rd 2020 at the press conference where he stated that he’d been in touch with a colleague in Hong Kong who was a world expert who had done all the evidence based analysis for the WHO and they were both in agreement that masks should absolutely not be a recommendation. Then, a few weeks later if you recall the WHO changes their recommendation - and later admitted political lobbying had been involved in the decision making - and that’s when the tide turned. I think we both agree Johnson is culpable for a lot but there are tons of videos pre that WHO about turn with pretty much all our ‘experts’ united in stating they were of either little benefit, no benefit or a net negative.
Happy to hold my hands up if I’m misremembering, there’s been a lot of back and forth over the last 18 months. I remember early on though that a lot of the talk from the WHO was that masks shouldn’t be used by the general public because they were in short supply and needed by medical professionals. A lot of the experts and politicians in many countries advised against them initially and then advised to purchase them once more PPE became available. Let’s stay away from conspiracy theories with this but what reason would they have for pretending masks work and advising people to use them if they didn’t work? I’ve spent a lot of time over the last 18 months or so reading a lot of literature from the worlds experts on various virology topic and similar. Most of my ‘predictions’ have come true in terms of when restrictions end, where we’re at with cases, deaths etc. The most recent one of course being that I thought they were delaying the restrictions in June because there was no observed link between cases, hospitalisations, deaths and that when that is observed the restrictions would be lifted. It was and they have been. Whitty seemed to say very similar also yesterday. I’m not saying that to rub my ego or anything like that, but just to point out that I’m not just making up ******** to try and prove a point that I’ve already got pre-decided. I’ve tried to do the right thing over the last year and I’ve tried to understand why decisions are being made before they’re actually made. With that of course I’ve formed my own decisions about steps that should be taken, some of which did actually happen, some didn’t, some did but later than I felt was necessary.
Maybe not all restrictions at once, but on 18th July, I'll need to wear a mask to and from my table in a restricted capacity pub or restaurant and the next day go onto a packed train or even worse, tube, without wearing a mask. Seems like quite a big jump. Don't really see why masks in pubs couldn't go away last month, or why masks on public transport shouldn't carry on for an extra month while the vaccine progress nears completion.
Meanwhile you've been trying to convince everyone that the government had ulterior motives for the restrictions and were controlling the public for sinister purposes. Care to explain why they've suddenly stopped doing that?
You can still keep wearing a mask if you want to, I would recommend it when it's Flu season, just like people in SE Asia have been doing for decades.
They haven’t mate. They’ve made totalitarian seizure of public freedoms the precedential, go-to response now every time there’s a ‘public health crisis’ to the extent that folk are begging for them to continue. And between the Coronavirus Act and the Police and Crime Bill, then if you think this is all over and you’re not a bit scared of the power they wield, then frankly, you’re a bit thick.
Tits up, same as everything else he's had owt to do with has - for the country I mean, it's all gone swimmingly for him and his cronies.
The lockdown has to be lifted so many hospitality venues has has suffered for over a year now what's amazed me is how many scientists post on here. This is going to be the new normal from now on I'm no tory but if you think Corbyn and Abbott would have done a better job your as deluded as them from s6
Anybody would have done better. And my evidence base… no comparable country has more deaths or a worse economy. I’ll happily discuss any evidence you can offer in response. I’m frankly disturbed by the fact that people frame the discussion as ‘what we did v doing nothing’, government made thousands of decisions, nuanced to try to save the economy and lives at a reasonable cost. They failed miserably by every measure, when compared to our competitors.
That is what the magority have wanted for months, now he has done it, he is wrong again. You can't have toffee and halfpenny. People have to use common sense. If that is possible
I struggle to see how anyone could have made a worse job of COVID. At least if Corbyn had been in charge he wouldn't have given PPE contracts to a pest control company with nett assets of £19,000 or a Miami jewelry dealer, both buddies of members of Johnson's cabinet. They would have given the contracts to approved PPE providers who at the time had warehouses full of the effing stuff.
How do you know? they could not have done any worse, impossible. IMO a socialist running a social problem would have done a far better job & we wouldn't be billions out of pocket.
I've got 2 friends unfortunate enough to have cancer, one of whom has just had their last treatment ( hopefully) the other one in the middle of it, both currently vulnerable to infection. Think about that and how they feel when those of you ( with no health reason) are moaning about the inconvenience of wearing a mask.