Just having an argument with herself about doughnut fillings. She thinks custard filled doughnuts are abhorrent but then she's Irish and also thinks gravy is the work of the devil. Anyway, the thought just occurred to me that a magnificent doughnut filling would be jam AND custard. Served chilled obviously. Who's with me?
I'm just terrified that you'll actually find enough like minded people to make this dystopian nightmare a reality.
Donuts should only ever be filled with jam. Preferably raspberry. Strawberry is acceptable. Apricot/Marmalade perhaps if there's a shortage of other jam. Custard (except in a trifle or similar) should be kept for warm desserts. Apples should be kept in turnovers.
Co-op. Vegan friendly & cheap. Me & Mrs C scoffed two bags full at Wembley, the Oxford match. Couldn’t you just stuff a jam & a custard one in your gob at the same time? That should impress the Mrs?
On a similar vein I saw an instagram reel from a cafe round on the next peninsula a few weeks ago that has me raring to go.... it showed a big, sticky choc chip cookie being covered in an inch deep layer of sift scoop (99) ice cream then covered with...another big, gooey choc chip cookie. I have to have it!!!
I don't like them. However, my wife & daughter love them and say doughnuts thickly filled with raspberry jam can't be bettered.