So, you’re saying that the evidence you put forward is of a country that had a very different strategy? Not simply the wearing of masks. So; again, do you have some scientifically worthwhile data to support your assertion that masks don’t work?
We wouldn’t know, I can’t prove a negative without a comparable positive sample; that’s like proving there’s no god. You made an assertion, and in doing so, it’s your point to prove, not mine to disprove. Is there any evidence at all to support your assertion? Or are you accepting it’s an assumption based on no evidence whatsoever. I can offer as indirect evidence that medical professionals use PPE and it’s proven that the better the PPE the greater the protection. Do you accept that COVID-19 is an airborne virus?
No one is ‘against you’. This is a discussion about attitudes that you started. Again: You chose to tell everyone that you chose not to wear a mask when you felt you could get away with it. And you don’t like the reaction to what you chose to share. And now you’re playing the victim. I’m guessing there’s dozens of people reading this thread who’s behaviour is worse than yours, but they’ve not chosen to share that. It’s not personal, but you think your opinion should be beyond question, that you should be allowed to make assertions without evidence, and that your behaviour, no matter how bad, shouldn’t be questioned.
They're questioning the opinions you hold and are choosing to argue, not you personally. I doubt anybody would have a problem with you if you got involved and replied to them individually rather than dismissing everything wholesale.
Maybe how you write and post your opinions. Remember a bit back, you seem to openly admit your struggling. Mental health wise if i recall. If thats the case, take a step back and try see how you post may trigger the response your getting. This place shows its best when needed, and also like this entire thread, the worst. Some are genuinely worried for their loved ones, some, actually don't give a **** and openly flout existing laws and rules. All people on here have tried to reasonably suggest, is that masks make sense. I'd hope that when these restrictions are lifted that people respect each others choice. And space if requested, but I do feel that the government are rushing headlong into something for the sake of it. I'm sick of it too, and have lots of reasons why I could be spouting off that my life is worse for it. I don't, because I can empathise with the restrictions because other people matter. And for anyone arguing it wasnt illegal to poke someone not in your household or bubble. It was. And I did. Just to add a balance that even I can be a dick. But she was ******* worth it
Holy ****. That's probably the single most stupid thing you've posted on the whole thread. Sit down for a bit and actually think about what you've written there.
Bang on this and exactly the reason why this debate goes on. If people just did their part, instead of being clever we wouldn’t be having this debate still. My younger brother is one of those, who has gone out and bought a lanyard that says he is exempt and he wears it like a badge of honour, thinks he’s clever doing it as he discusses with others with a sly grin on his face.
I'm not saying OP is a Bot, but how many internet forums are full of posts like this? Spurious claims about The Rids etc and little to no posts on the forums actual subject matter. It's become like farsebook on here. I'm expecting some one called Dave (it's usually a Dave - not a dig at any Dave's on here btw) to start telling me that Brexit is the will of the people and that the NHS isn't fit for purpose. Funny how these posts usually have the exact same text, punctuation and any mistakes are repeated. Strange. Almost as if the Tufton Street lot are up to their usual tricks or Putin's Internet Cafe has a special on.
That's not true at all, we don't hate you but if you are going to spout complete 5hyte & you are, then expect to be called out on it, even if it's your opinion. For me your attitude towards covid stinks, imo of course.