If you would like to read a balanced science based article about the benefits and limitations of wearing masks, try this one. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/03/scicheck-the-evolving-science-of-face-masks-and-covid-19/ It's also possibly beneficial afterwards to read this.
I dont care if people disagree with my opinions but there is no need for some on here to just hurl insults over and over
Firstly provocation does not equate to an attack. And once again I’ll point out you referred to people as ‘bedwetters’. But it’s a circular argument because you refuse to accept any facts that don’t fit your narrative.
If you read the article, you would see it doesn't suit anyone's "agenda". It just explains the benefits and limitations of wearing masks in various settings, backed up with empirical evidence and verified sources. That's the great thing about science. It treats everything equally and you only prove something by trying your best to disprove it, and if you can't you have to assume it's right until someone does disprove it. Then you have to come up with a new hypothesis.
Well, this is my opinion. Forget experts, statistics, politicians, twitter etc etc, just do one thing. Put yourself in someone’s shoes. Imagine you’re an old person who’s been locked away for a year never seeing their family. Imagine you’ve got asthma and are living in fear of what could happen. Then imagine how it feels to go out for the first time. You’ll be glad see people wearing masks. But people not wearing masks will terrify you. Or don’t bother imagine what effect you have on other people. Just think about yourself.
. Nobody likes the masks. I don't like the masks. You don't like masks. Your grandmother doesn't like masks. My point was think of other people you don't know and how they feel.