Most 3-14 year olds don't like brocoli or sprouts, but you're told to eat them because they're good for you. Most 3-12 year olds don't like being told to go to bed early. Most Barnsley fans don't like FFP rules and many of the referees in the Championship. Sorry I know this doesn't have any relevance but thought I'd join in with the OP in a game of asinine comment bingo.
Well I started the thread simply saying I am glad that masks are going. For some reason it caused such offence
How you started doesn't matter. You seem to be avoiding my point. Do you think its a good think to think about how other people feel?
I think that much of the fear is perpetuated by mainstream media. For instance a triple mutant south african variant is coming to get us all. In reality it was never a big deal. But I also think that those who dont wear masks should be respected and not totally villified and treat like criminals
No offence, but I think having read this thread it's probably the majority opinion. The fact that you haven't resorted to calling anyone a scrotum face would probably imply that no one else has behaved like one. I'm not one for name calling, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck.
It's not an opinion if it's demonstrably incorrect, or doesn't make sense. You can be very obviously wrong all you like, but don't confuse this with having an educated opinion which people will listen to and respect.
No it wasn't. Could be because of all the rules we had to protect each other. Including wearing masks. You're right though. You're fully entitled to your opinion. Doesn't make it right in any way but you're entitled to it. People are opposing you because you're promoting behaviour that could cost lives. The science is clear that masks have benefits in preventing the spread, having looked at it from both sides. The "mainstream media" reports this because there is repeated, quantifiable evidence to support it. The aims of the scientific studies are to investigate a subject without any preconceptions, (eg "are masks effective in preventing the spread of covid 19?") and then report the results in an unbiased manner. These papers are then independently peer reviewed and only published if no flaws or bias are found. The sources on the other side are opinion based articles. The science they use is referred to as "cherry picking" or "Pseudoscience". Basically these people scour the scientific papers and only report any evidence that supports their own preconceived view on the subject.. carefully omitting any evidence that goes against them, which almost always includes the actual conclusions of the papers they refer to.
My daughter has been diagnosed with Covid officially yesterday & she has been really poorly for the last 4days she's asthmatic but her breathing is thankfully ok. She used public transport last week to get to work as I was away & she thinks she has caught it from said Public transport as around half of the passengers took their masks off whilst travelling, the set of selfish, spreading fking BASTEWARDS
As I have said numerous times since masks came in there have been countless 'waves' and numerous lockdowns, curfews etc. In the real world these things havent turned the tide have they
I wore a mask when I had no choice which was most of the time in shops, trains etc Lets chill out jeez