I would stop the referee giving the defending team time to set up for a free kick, more so if the attacking team was on a 4 v 2 and a player attacking gets taken down.
Throw ins should be kick ins but can't go over waist height. Therefore you can't hump long balls every time you get one, but an accurate pass could unlock a defence.
Beat me to that one mate, Think it was immobile the Italian player who laid at deaths door in the penalty area ...until his mate stuck it in the net and he jumped up and joined the celebrations. perfect example where the should be a review panel who send for the player and Manager to answer charge. and he cant play until the case is heard. Sadly most of the things posted in this excellent thread are covered in the rules, interfering with free kicks is a yellow, kicking the ball away also yellow and crowding the Ref or accosting officials is also bookable .its the Refs who dont use the rules
Offside should be clearly offside, not some wafer thin margin. Play acting, if it can be clearly shown, will be rewarded with the foul/booking whatever given to the opposition. So a penalty dive would result in a penalty to the other side.
Anyone brandishing an imaginary card at the ref to try and get an opponent booked should automatically be carded themselves. Without exception.
Seems like there's a broad consensus about what's wrong with the game and I'd bet my bottom dollar this would be overwhelming across the full spectrum of football fans. We can all see what's wrong with the game yet the authorities who have the power to fix it do almost nothing.
I think I read somewhere that the time is kept as it is so the results all come in at pretty much the same time.
A player gets injured by an unfair tackle. The offender gets booked. Cos the physio comes on to attend to the injured player. The player has to leave the field to be beckoned back on, by the ref. Bonkers.
Upon a ref blowing whistle for a foul etc the players are not allowed to touch the ball until the ref allocates it to a team. This would stop timewasting and players running off with the ball plus remove poor inconsistent yellow cards for kicking balls away etc.
I would merge CONEMBOL AND CANCACAF or at least merge the major tournaments (Copa America and the Gold Cup.)
Not really. If they did it like rugby, the clock would keep running for throw ins, free kicks etc, but the ref would signal to the timekeeper to stop the clock for injuries or substitutions, or if they feel someone is time wasting.
DIVING; any player thought to be diving/simulation by the ref will be shown a purple card and at the end of the game the incident will be shown to a panel of 3 official and 2 ex players, if found guilty then that players team will be deducted 3pts and 2 goals there and then. watch the coaches/managers get a grip of the squad
I also think that every stadium should have a Phalanx close in weapon system fitted that immediately targets the keeper if they hold on to the ball for longer than 10 seconds.
Posted a response earlier that many offences are already covered...asking for a card is a bookable offence and again its the refs who are scared to enforce the rules...remember Messi getting booked for doing this.
Matches to be played on an enclosed indoor court. Teams have nine players on the pitch rather than eleven, and targets on the floor and walls can be hit to receive bonus points. The number of points that a team receives for scoring a goal starts at 10 but can be increased to 15 or 20 via the use of score multipliers located on the walls of the pitch. The same number of points for scoring a goal is given for injuring a player from the opposing team. When a player is injured, he is replaced by one of three substitutes. If all three substitutes are injured, the injured player will be forced to return to the game and play on in spite of his injuries. Some might call this too much of a radical overhaul though so maybe just stop the overprotection of goalkeepers by allowing players to shoulder barge them into the back of the net to score a legitimate goal like in the olden days.