I can watch this but if Barnsley were in a similar scenario I couldn't watch & yes am a big soft sod. Anyone the same?
I want England to win and will be disappointed if we don’t but if Barnsley were in this scenario I would be beside myself and tearing my hair out, no comparison between my love for the Reds and liking England.
If it was the reds I’d be a jibbering wreck. This? I’m just enjoying a really good game of football. I’ve mentioned in other threads I don’t really have a connection with England. I do wonder if part of it is my brain needs a couple of months off after the a stressful winter living and breathing the reds!
I know I have said this before but when I was ask if I wanted Barnsley to win a end of season game(no importance) or England to win the World cup? Barnsley every single time, is that sad or unpatriotic?
Just can’t muster up any enthusiasm for England. This game has been boring to be quite honest. Couldn’t care less who wins the final, just annoyed Denmark won’t win me £100 if they get knocked out!
Tbf we have created the most chances. We'd be up in arms though if the pen had been given to an opposing team, there really was nt much in the way of contact.
I feel exactly the same. I’m sure I used to feel more emotional when England played but now it doesn’t come anywhere near to what I feel when following the Reds. Maybe Lockdown and following every match on ifollow has contributed to this monopoly that Barnsley has on my heart and soul!
Barnsley every day of the week. I was gutted when we lost to Swansea even though I'd tried to train my psychy. I succombed at the first hurdle after defeat when it suddenly hit me and Tyke67 and Biglil reined me in. I was gutted. There aren't enough adjectives. If England had lost tonight I'd have been disappointed.
Barnsley all day every day. I want England to win but have little emotional attachment to them. If Barnsley were in a similar sort of match I’d be a nervous wreck. I haven’t got over us losing the play offs yet but if England lose on Sunday I will be over it by Monday.