My brother in law as taken a job with sainsbury in Sherburn, 4 nights a week, sunday_ wed, 37k a year
There were no shortages before the hard Tory Brexit. You see, foreign workers will work for those "piss poor" wages and British people simply won't do it. So much for "all them foreigners coming over here and taking all our jobs". The same goes for hospitality, NHS and crop picking, to name but 3. Our economy was based round a plentiful supply of cheap workers, Johnson and his pack of clowns have cut that supply off. Does anyone still think they knew what they were voting for in 2016?
There's been shortages for years mate, just not this bad...there was something like 50000 polish drivers at one stage most of whom quit and went home, those places were then filled by Romanians who have now also quit due to crap wages and being treated like ****.
It’s like with the Gas and electric, you can get better if you shop around, but many don’t (often referred to as loyal) for various reasons including what they perceive to be the ‘hassle’ of moving. If you’re in your last few years of work say, you might decide just to stay put.
I’d just like to add, they are similar rates to many people working for the Department for Work and Pensions, who are over 25 and have been there for at least 15 years.
Very sad state of affairs, but then again the British have a bit of previous with treatment of "Johnny foreigner".
I run a pub the shortage of staff is nothing to do with brexit in Hospitality it's people who want a more secure job and are terrified of catching Covid 19. I also have a coupe of class 1 trucks we pay good wages in the pub and for the drivers never struggled for staff. I voted brexit and would do the same again