Paddy McGuiness going to be the host now. Can we not just finish the BBC off now, the corpse is twitching and wouldn't it just be kinder to humanely put it down?
Don't think there is anything wrong with the BBC as such, but QoS should have been put down years ago. As far as panel quiz shows go, it's the pits.
Should have appointed Helen Skelton to present it. She didn't do a bad job with swimming at the olympics a couple of years ago
Something that Andy Rhodes told me about 25 years ago when he went with Rick Holden, who was on it. This is back when Oldham got to the FA Cup semi back in the day. He was shocked to learn that the contestants were given the answers before the show and were told which ones to get wrong. Never watched one since.
To be fair we've all seen Rick Holden in a live interview. He was probably told exactly what to say and when just to stop him swearing every two seconds
Was surprised it is still a format, but I don't really watch much TV that isn't on demand & QOS has never reared it's head at me. Is Sue Barker still alive?
Used to love it but when Tufnell and Dawson took over as captains it became over the top silly it seemed they wanted to transform it into they think it’s all over or league of their own (wish has gone downhill rapidly especially when they got hogwash as a panellist). I think though sporting triangles should be brought back