Oh dear the poor jocks moaning because we've actually had a bit of success they're just pissed off because they've had to shell out for another replica shirt this weekend to show their support for the pasta brigade. Well I suppose if we win it'll give towd fish face sturgeon another excuse for another indie ref.
Key word is ‘media’ Ian. No matter how hard they try they don’t represent the people, and they don’t speak for me. If Scotland were in the final and England were out I’d want them to win.
Wasn’t me who suggested that. I was quoting Churton’s remark. So in all honesty I was not taking any piss. Your last 2 posts were very anti Scottish. Was there really any need? Do we bother you that much? Anyway hope you enjoy your game tomorrow.
The way the Jocks celebrated after the 0 0 draw was amazing to watch. It just shows us how highly they regard us as a football team. I'm still confident in this great coach and young team of lads we should be proud of. It's going to be our toughest game ,but I do beleive . This is the one when we don't fail. So ironic when Southgate missed a penalty in Euro 96 ,to go on to win the Euros as England coach in fitting style . You couldn't write it.
Never used to but I'm just sick of the anti English bigotry that seems to be the norm up there now the SNP have taken over.
Quite a funny video doing the rounds on social media of sturgeon with England face paint on singing simply the best(obviously edited) Always knew she loved England.
Hmm quite a sweeping statement you make regarding the Scottish people’s anti English bigotry. I take it you have visited Scotland on many occasions to come to that opinion? Let’s not mix sporting rivalry and political opinions mate. They do not mix. I’ll agree that Scottish folk have a hatred of Westminster and what is an English government. The SNP who have been freely elected here just takes up the people’s concerns. Hopefully very soon to deliver independence. But very few Scottish people hate anyone who is English. Everyone warmly welcomed here. Maybe the poster Brush can confirm this. He was on holiday here last week and told me just how friendly he found everyone. No bother whatsoever.
Rubbish. You consider my hoping Scotland gets its independence is hatred? Surely it’s normal for any country to be independent but never hatred.
With respect you obviously don’t know much about British politics No hatred in wanting independence from the Westminster loons.