Can't these dicks be held accountable? Can't the police investigate? It's as though social media gives racial behavior a free reign with no repercussions, I maybe wrong but half of these neandathols appear to do so without any fear of being held accountable. Yet the same morons would have probably gone out and paid £90 for a England top with any of those three names on the back if we had won, I'm embarrassed alot of the time to be English, these and the cnuts fighting and causing bother, I totally get / understand why the English are all tarred with the same brush and tbh I don't blame them.
Never get that either. "I broke into a house, beat up the family and robbed them." "Terrible thing to do." "Not really. Other people do it." Aye ok. See your point.
People still aren’t learning. Stop feeding the trolls & making them go viral. That’s why they keep doing it. Just block & report it. The ‘people’ making these comments are nearly always kids with numerous accounts who are just doing it to get a reaction.
As tempting as that may be that would just feed the far right, lead to retaliatory killings, and increase racism. So yes, I would choose education, starting with schools.
just had a look. if these tweets are genuinely from the bloke in question, it beggars belief really, that he expected to go unnoticed. Savills coming in for some real hammer, which seems very unfair. they can't be held responsible for what employees post on social media. they can only be held responsible for how they respond to it.
First they will be having a meeting with the employee - who is allegedly on probation - probably suspending him while an investigate takes place. Then after a thorough investigation and hearing, printing his P45 - it should be in his possession around now...
This @ja_gbr twitter account is interesting. Unless he’s bright enough to find a way to amend all his own historic tweets and retweets (which I seriously doubt), it looks like he’s a Liverpool fan with a bromance on Trent A-A. also seems to retweet a load of black and Muslim tweets in a non-negative way If true, can’t understand why someone with this “history” would post what he has that said, the world of (anti)social media never ceases to amaze me
I'm generally a softly softly type of bloke, I'm not sure what the maximum penalty is for that kind of thing but the person tweeting as Henry Williams ought to get 9 months inside to concentrate what small piece of mind he has.
Savills encourages diversity amongst their workforce.... Also all 36 of their management are white and middle aged......
Not on twitter so I'm not sure about it, it seems a horrible platform if I'm honest. I remember one of our own fans and his dad last season getting banned for putting abusive things on it which was highlighted by Clarke odour unfortunately the culprit was over 18 and his dad 40s 50s if I remember right so old enough to know better like I'm sure most of these trolls are. kids old enough to make a twitter account up know that racism is wrong or should depending on who brings these people up so I don't buy the its just kids on twitter thing. I'm not political in anyway but I think gary nevile was spot on in what he said on it. The players said they want to take the knee to fight against racism and equality the leader of the country came out and publicly said he didn't condone those who boo players taking the knee what sort of example does that set to the rest of the country.
They cannot be held responsible for the actions of an employee in his own time on his personal computer at home on his personal twitter account. What they've done is suspended him, are conducting an investigation and I can guarantee that unless he manages to prove that someone did indeed hack his account they'll sack him. What more do you want from them? Why do you feel they are to blame for what he does?
It really annoys me that the social media companies face no penalty for allowing it to be on their platforms. I've said it before, it should be their legal obligation to report ALL reported racism to the police along with all correspondence that it believes is criminal. At the moment it seems that they simply get to pick and choose what a random employee happens to think is fine or not and I don't know if they're all just incredibly badly trained or if they somehow seem to have a large number of bigots and bullies in their moderation departments but they turn a blind eye to so much. As a recent example, last night I reported a tiktok account as their profile said "Marcus Rashford, Annie Gurr. Forever" (I apologise for repeating it). The response back was "We found that the reported content doesn't violate our community guidelines". Maybe not mate, but I does violate the law. I believe that not only should the account owner be reported to the police and prosecuted but that tiktok itself should be charged for failing to moderate it's platform correctly
I don't think they are to blame at all. I am just amused that they think they are diverse when all three dozen on management are middle aged and white.