Bowling for Columbine The crash reel West of Memphis The Central Park five Amy Blackfish The king of Kong Deliver us from evil Searching for sugar man Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father The imposter
Yes, mate. Sadly the greatest, real film ever made. Look it up. Nothing comes close. Put together in real time from real on site footage, mainly from regular people. The poignant images are too many to mention. I can’t find a free link that works. Like your choices too, some are unfamiliar.
Threads (1984)- obviously the events in the film haven't actually happened but it explores the events of the use of nuclear weapons.. I would watch it after your tea, if you don't plan on sleeping and if you want to scare yourself to death because it's a hectic film.
The Naudet brothers who happened to be documenting a rookie firefighter? It's an incredible watch if we mean the same one. Makes it feel a lot closer to home.
Documentary feature films I like & think are very good.. History- The Sorrow & the Pity. 4 hours long & mainly subtitled. Came out the NFT with a right numb arse. Music- The Devil & Daniel Johnston. I’m a fan, but you don’t have to be to be fascinated.. Sport- Hoop Dreams. Follows 2 young Chicago ghetto kids on their basketball careers. Mightily recommended. I’ll think of more later. Have to watch the 9/11 one again.
Icarus is a fantastic watch. If, like me, you had no idea what it was about, the way it twists is mind blowing. Exit through the gift shop is decent too.
Also The House I Live In - about the history of the war on drugs in America, why it will never succeed and the damage it does to ethnic minority communities.
Sounds like the same one, mate, let me find a link. No introduction or narration. A compilation of real time, mainly amateur footage as it happened. We don’t even see the planes hit.
Best.... Extinction: The Facts Favourites... Life On Earth, Blue Planet Just realised those last two were series rather than films. Oh well, I love them anyway.
There’s a scene where some poor soul decides to jump to death, rather than burn. Imagine that? . The direction of the morning sun, causes their shadow to fall several feet ahead.