I agree. I've been fortunate in my career that my employers have always mostly (see below) had a diverse workforce. I can only imagine what it would be like though if I was given a role purely because I ticked a box- as a white bloke it is hard to empathise with that, though as other than working in China for a year and being one of two or three males in a previous job I've never been in a minority group. Equality has to go further than that- just having token people in your office to keep any accusations of inequality at bay doesn't solve the problem. They deserve more than that and ring fencing just creates further division and anger. Unconscious bias training, the lot...
Exactly this. Talking amongst ourselves wont make a blind bit of difference to anyone who is racist. Actual actions and repercussions of racist views etc need to be made. Otherwise I personally feel it futile
Don’t think I would tbh , Once said something at Wembley about behaviour and was rounded on by a gang , I had my grandsons with me about 6 and 8 years old at the time and they were a bit frightened . I believe I’d have got a kicking if they had t been with me and the stewards close by did nothing . Not that I blame them enitirely as they were more safety stewards than enforces and were showing people to their seats mainly . Most stewards aren’t trained for this especially oakwell where they turn blind eyes on most parts apart from the ones stationed where trouble spots are . I think it’s the job of the owners to train and position stewards etc to combat this , it’s no good one bloke speaking out and getting abuse or even attacked when the authorities aren’t helping or sticking up for them . Can remember a few years back when one bloke got thrown out by the stewards for sticking up for someone despite almost everyone around telling them who started it and why . The stewards didn’t want to know and were ready to throw anyone else out who were in their eyes confrontational (telling them off ) If there was back up and a safe way to point it out I might but when there's racist abuse and even chanting and the stewards look away then I won’t put my grandsons in the line of fire .
True thats the risk you take unfortunately it could get heated and contrantational. Was the game villa at home your on about?
Not sure it could well have been , the stewards were brought In from other areas of the ground and weren’t listening to anyone or reasoning . The sense of rage when they grabbed the wrong bloke incensed many who hadn’t spoken during the incident to have their say but the stewards weren’t interested in justice and were willing to take on anyone that spoke out about their actions even blokes with kids . The bloke who caused the trouble wasn’t even spoken to but remained quiet the rest of the game .
Around that time there was an influx of away support getting into the Ponty End. I know the Villa and Leeds games that season had away fans in the Ponty.
I got my job because I'm a man. They would have employed a woman but they wanted more men on the team. (Off the record).
No this was a season ticket holder he’s moved now but was there a few seasons along with a few others . They were picking on someone else who I think also was a season ticket holder not sure what it was about initially as I didn’t catch the start it could well have been racists remarks but not sure . but one of the gang seemed to be calling the bloke out which the other bloke clearly didn’t want anything to do with and he was getting angrier and angrier without any provocation until the bloke who was thrown out told him to sit down and forget about it and he turned on him .
thanks MDG should something be done to redress the balance if some groups are are under-represented in senior management posts?
Villa didn't sell the away end out if it was the time im thinking of we lost 3 nil and were relegated that season.
Yes, have done before - usually in a polite way. Generally stops it. If not, then a discreet word with a steward. Twice at away games this has led to an individual being escorted out.
I used to think the same MDG. But it’s a known fact. BAME applicants are substantially less employed against % applying. Even though sometimes better qualified. Yes we’d all like to see a level playing field. But it still isn’t in lots of companies. It’s same with people from less privileged backgrounds. Regardless of qualifications. Their status in class can be a hindrance. My son is qualified to the hilt and well respected in the company he works for. But it took a lot longer we believe, than it would have given his working class background. Unlike yourself. Everyone doesn’t treat folk like we would want them to. That’s why it’s harder for BAME members to get into their preferred job market. How we alter that is very difficult. In a class ridden society.
I have done in the past - bloke near me used to make monkey noises so informed club who put an undercover steward near him. Someone else called a player a black so and so - turned round and asked him if there was any need ... he said yeah but didn't shout it again