The gatekeepers for free speech across our glorious red white and blue nation...suspends one of their presenters for having an alternative opinion. Snowflakes.
Apparently they had zero viewers at times on Wednesday. Got to say I'm disappointed by it, I thought Andrew Neil would deliver something worthwhile but for the most part it has been trash. "Woke Watch" ffs.
I saw that article this morning. At first I was pleased, thinking people saw how abhorrent it was and were tuning out. But then saw the rest of the article which seems to link the viewing figure drop to the presenter taking the knee and people being disgusted by it. Grim.
Dave are getting in on the act
Laughing my socks off to some extent. Free speech is fine, as long as it is covertly or overtly racist seems to be the message.
I didn’t think the right wing on free speech could be more logically retarded than the left are on lockdown, but fair play, they’re proper stupid.
GB News fighting against the perceived evils of cancel culture cancels somebody for exercising their rights to free expression. You couldn't make this stuff up. I can only imagine the daily heil readers tying themselves in knots.
You do know Daily Hatred readers only care about freedom of speech when it benefits them. The rest of their time they decry others having the right to.... freedom of speech and expression!
that’s why they must be confused. He’s one of their guys, he’s on their tv station, he’s meant to confirm their fears about anyone different to them…. Remember the only free speech they are bothered about is the right be as racist as they want.
Andrew Neil is planning on presenting some segments from his home on the continent. How very British. The tweets announcing the presenter being suspended for taking the knee are insane. Start out by claiming that GB News don’t have a company line on taking the knee, then in the very next tweet less than a minute later saying that the presenter taking the knee is “an unacceptable breach of our standards”
I see the gammon in chief has buggered off to take a leave of absence (or holiday!)... wonder how long it will be before they up their offer to Piers Morgan? Meanwhile we've people like Steve Baker suddenly trying to say taking the knee isn't political at all and just an anti racist stance. You've got to give it to them.... brass necks a plenty.
We onto saying things like ‘logically retarded’ without batting an eyelid now aye? People talk about cancel culture but the way folk are emboldened to talk nowadays would definitely not have stood 6 years ago.
At one point yesterday, there was more people being interviewed (4 guests and a presenter) on screen than viewers... Also seems to be "big name" presenters with mysterious absences - the latest involving an horse-related injury.
Exactly what I thought as well, but the viewing figures in general are really down since it first went on air, so maybe a glimmer of hope….
I've only seen what others have said, I haven't, nor would I, view it directly. But aside from content (or lack of), it seems the production set up has been awful. To be expected of course, but it sounds really amateur. And compared with more slick set ups, I'd suspect the only people still watching it are real cranks. What I'm more concerned with at the moment is the BBC, and that a non exec director was influential in generating funds for GB news (Robbie Gibb)... if thats not a good old fashioned conflict of interest, I really don't know what is.
Completely agree with all you have said, and there is now no end of Tory influence in the BBC. Sad times for an impartial view on politics, although Channel 4 news seem to be quite good at impartiality and calling politicians of all parties out. No wonder the Tories want to sell channel 4 off……..
Its extremely worrying for sure. I'm also quite worried about the government using the racism row with online platforms as a mechanism to legislate and inhibit other things that may highlight government corruption, incompetence and matters of public interest that have been suppressed through traditional media channels. The "lobbying" laws that were pushed through before an election were worrying and clearly aimed at suppressing some of the smaller influencers online to have to register.
Very worrying & par for the course. I only really listen to BBC radio, but occasionally I've checked BBC News. Have to say I was less than impressed.
I see Furage is going to GBeebies, it’s a great idea and far more efficient for all concerned. I now know where both are and can avoid both with absolutely zero effort.