Lovely doc on Sky arts. I could sing that record back to back. Up with Pepper, for me.. Dave & Ray looking very old.
Sometimes I find your posts to be slightly cryptic. Usually I manage to figure them out eventually, but this time you've really got me.
Andy Partridge, Suggs, talking wonderfully. Noel Gallagher, just heard it week before cameras come round. ****.
Little lives, little worlds. Fella who fixes my plumbing or cleans my windows, needs some music to chill out with, probably nothing I’ve made, but we all have jobs to do & roles in the world. I like to think I’ve put something back.
In my top 5 albums. The period between Face to Face and Lola vs Powerman is stunning. Right up there with The Beatles for me
Stay strong Mr C. The only consolation I’ve held onto in times like these, is that we made sure our dearest friends lived lives far better than any King or Queen. They wanted for nothing and in return they gave us what money can never buy.
Funnily enough, this album came to mind during that thread. I bought it for my kids not that long ago. It's one of my favourites
We are the plastic grass preservation society, God save solar lights, decking boards & gravelling.. We are the consumerist appreciation consortium, God save the motor car & all of those inside of em We are the natural world condemnation affiliate, God save pesticides, leaf blowers & fireworks..
Love ar Kate’s version. The big guitar is unnecessary, but it sounds like she sang it in one take, runs out of breath & feigns the odd note, which just makes it better to my ears.