Cocaine in particular from attending matches after the scenes at Wembley . Now I’m not against that ad there’s already banning orders for alcohol and violence etc . But weren’t the fans causing the trouble ticketless anyway ? Call me old fashioned but you can trace a piece of meat from a restaurant right back to the farm it was reared up in ,so to trace tickets with seat numbers etc and make the person who bought the ticket responsible for whoever holds it during game time . That should discard some irresponsibility and profiteering . But coming back to the Wembley fiasco that it was mainly ticketless fans and lack of police presence which IMO is trying to lay the blame away from the security forces IMO .
At a stadium maybe but police are talking in general. PS Apparently not
Bang goes Barnsley’s plan for a needle exchange programme, prior to kick off! Soft arse community club..
Am I missing something here. If you take an illegal drug into a football ground why would you not expect a ban. I don’t want people smacked off their t*ts on drugs near me at a football match
The authorities need to have some compassion, imagine watching Wendies sober and not under the influence. Torture.
Just sort out transport on occasions like the euros. Thousands jumping on trains from everywhere to meet in london n cause issues. It wouldnt stop it but would half it. i know countless people who got the train to london just to “have a beer” and “a laugh”. they need to try n limit the idiots as you will never stop it fully
Just stop people approaching the Stadium without tickets , that’s a Police job , it really is that simple , a few well placed barriers and a few coppers . You’d have thought Senior Police Officer training in crowd control would have included lessons from Hillsboro
For a bloke to set a firework off while stuck up his ring piece as got to be on drugs, and the bloke sat on someone's shoulders waving his old mad about and a union jack. I'll say this though if I had been there some would have thought I was on drugs because watching that going off I would have been rolling about on the floor laughing I would not have been able to help it.
I’m for Crigg originally and went to school at kettlethorpe from 82-85, but my nephews and nieces went there up until 5 yrs ago
Some people take drugs and become anti social… they should get banned Some people drink too much and become anti social… they should get banned Some people are just anti social… they should get banned too. We shouldn’t have to tolerate ars holes among us and neither should the players. There is no defence of ‘I’ve paid for my ticket, I’m entitled to behave however I want’. And it’s time the rest of us reclaimed the notion of ‘society’.
I've seen people under the influence of many different substances, and there's nothing that makes people behave as aggressively or as out of character as alcohol does. Granted, if you add coke to that then it's going to make someone even more unpleasant if they're already going that way with the booze, but is people taking drugs at football matches really a serious problem? I know plenty of people who dabble / used to dabble on a night out, but at a football match? Maybe I'm being naive here, but it just doesn't strike me as any sort of big issue, especially when compared with alcohol related violence. Actually, I know a couple of lads who used to get stoned before watching Lincoln, but I hardly think that's likely to increase the risk of violence. Quite the opposite in fact!
I had an ex girlfriend whose uncle's party trick was to light a Roman candle from between his buttocks. He just drank lots of beer.
I think they’ll start with football fans , then they’ll move on to stamp it out amongst the socialites, upper classes, politicians etc,,,,oh,, hold on though,,,,