At the end of the day, Mr Johnson is a liar. I would like anyone on here who still likes the gentleman to explain to me why he isn't. If anyone can do so Ill admit I'm in error! Secondly, the Tory Government, with Johnson at the helm have proven time and again that they are a) incompetent, b) corrupt or a combination of both. The curtains in themselves are not important in the big scheme - its the context that matters and as some have alluded to its more of b) that appears to be sticking now. Remains to be seen how this pans out with the local elections. The Tories are far more resilient in elections than Labour in my opinion.
I guess I just find it depressing that this is how we hold him to account. Ruin as many lives as you want but don't be taking dodgy donations do glam up a flat because then you're in trouble.
He's got an 80 seat majority. So short of storming the Capitol.......... (Hang on, that one hasn't a good recent history!)
That's because this is purely about money and the rich Tory supporters only care about money. The richer people are the tighter they are (in general that's statistically correct) and they get upset that someone else has more than them or they feel cheated. Essentially they're selfish ********. Dont care about how anyone has been harmed by these fascist laws because in their nice big houses they're fine but they're outraged that someone got something free and they didnt It shouldn't be that hard to guess. All mobile numbers start 07, and I reckon there's probably about 831,609,599 combinations of other digits to guess if anyone fancies giving him a call/WhatsApp to get some dosh for a dodgy PPE contract. Just pretend you're a mate from Eton he's forgotten.
I see forensic Sir Kieth has let all the last week’s scandals be reduced to a meme about wallpaper now. Let the bodies pile high, because the grown ups are here to help you sweep them under the carpet. literally lying and laughing at us all. Its a pattern. Deny until furor dies down.Slip it out when hopefully we have all moved on. A lie remains a lie however much time has passed. “The bizarre funding chain was finally confirmed in the fourth footnote on the 208th page of the Cabinet Office’s annual report, which the Government quietly published on Thursday”
I've made some career choices I question but am now going to full on regret never becoming a decorators labourer. ' It states £28,647 was spent on refurbishments with Mitie Facilities Management Limited at the request of the Prime Minister, which included painting and sanding of floorboards.'