After playing Man Utd at the weekend with only 7 pro's, 2 of which are goalies. 5 players out of contract also played. Granted they can only sign out of contract players on maximum 1 year contracts with strict wage limits that must be ratified by the EFL. Still though they've dodged a bullet there. But can't see that been an attractive proposition for signing for a club that has a record of not paying. I'd have let them rot.
You really think it would be better that Derby Football Club went bust/was dissolved/thrown out the league? Because of their their owner's financial (and I presume general) mismanagement? Did you feel the same about us during the Ridsdale era?
I honestly give up! They should’ve been relegated, complete and utter joke they’re able to get away with so much simply because of their ******* manager. I hope they finish rock bottom and get arseholed every week.
What’s happened to their much vaunted academy set up that’s the ‘envy of Europe’? Their age group teams play in the champions league. Surely there’s a few decent ones there who can hack it? All seems a bit dodgy to me. Which it will be. Because it’s Derby.
You cannot compare the 2. Ours was based on projected income from itv digital. ( imagine if sky and the other big players BT etc pulled the plug. Loads of clubs would find themselves in the same position as what happened to us unless they have megabucks owners that could ride the storm.) Theirs was complete mismanagement. But I wouldn’t like to see any fans lose their club. But I would expect that club to be punished and if that means relegation, so be it. The EFL need to tighten up the loopholes that these mega rich people find a way through. Wayne Rooney has deferred part of his £90k pw 1.5yr wages to get people through the door. Imagine if they sacked him. And he demanded his £2.5m be paid up
No. Promote U23s. They're already on the payroll anyway. So in essence the money they haven't been paying the players with would go 'further'. Baring in mind the strong possibility that their matchday revenue which presumably was huge will be heavily capped when the restrictions hit. When I say rot I don't mean that in a go out of business sense but in relegate sense. His mismanagement will ultimately punish him with the future incoming finances and club valuation.
I'd imagine fans of Bury and Macclesfield are chuffed that the EFL are bending over backwards to aid "fallen giants" such as Derby and Wednesday. It stinks, a lesson needs to be taught, a so called big club who cheat the system should be kicked out.
I think it’s fair enough really. Those young lads were only registered as pros due to extenuating circumstances
I suppose my point was to highlight that conflating owners and clubs is a mistake. I understand separating the two is sometimes very difficult and that to ensure fairness a club will (mostly regrettably) sometimes suffer as a result. I just wish we could punish owners and preserve clubs.
I imagine their team will be full of well known players when the season starts. All wanting to be associated with Rooney.
You'd enjoy another club ceasing to exist because some of their fans took the piśś when they happened to be the side that confirmed our relegation 4 seasons ago? Bit of a stretch that.
Not only would I enjoy it, I want it to happen. Are there any more questions I can answer about my feelings towards Derby?