About 10 years ago I was driving through Thorpe Hesley towards Hood Hill on Kirby Lane - I was doing about 30 because I know its a windy road. A *pink* Porsche with four big blokes in it pulled up behind me and started flashing and beeping the horn. They shot past with all four guys giving me the finger. About 200 yards later we heard a bang and slowed down - the Porsche was on its roof in the middle of the road. They jumped out, turned it over, jumped back in and drove off - leaving drag marks down the road where one of the wheels was at an angle of about 45 degrees to the others...
You have to qualify that though. When they shove half a watery, greenhouse grown tomato under a grill for 30 seconds so the top is warm and the rest is raw then you are right.. it is an abomination! However, if you cut a large ripe tomato in half , put sea salt and black pepper a little oil and put it cut side down in the pan next to the bacon and leave it until it blackens, turn it over and leave it a couple of minutes until it is cooked through it is a thing of beauty. Eggs smoked bacon tomato - as per above- mushrooms (fried in butter) fried bread heart attack on a plate ( but what away to go). Apparently less of a health risk relative to a full continental with its cheese and cured meats.
I think that's spot on. Even better though is to slow roast the tomatoes in the oven for about 2hrs. They go completely soft but partially acquire the more intense sun dried tomato flavour. Sprinkle of olive oil, some dried oregano.... delicious.
Dear oh dear! Tin of Cirio's finest - job done. But while we're talking things that should be banned - hash browns, surely?
I love fireworks though. Obviously not the people that don't exercise caution around their use though
Parking on beaches The phrases 'moving forward' and 'it is what it is' Insomnia Americans leaving tips of dollars like we can actually use it The word 'normalcy'...its normality ffs Waxing, anywhere, anytime and for any reason Any website that deliberately makes it look like they're in your country when in fact they're in China.
I was just starting to wonder what @JamDrop had done to upset you, then realised I'd misread your post.
Nowt wrong with cooked 'left over' cooked new potatoes preferably the waxy type ... sliced thin and fried ( saute'd) - tossed in in the fying pan with oil and some butter. Excellent when they go all crisp and crunchy . Agree re hash browns though since they just seem to soak up the grease when cooked... should never be anywhere near a breakfast plate. baked beans... OK but not my choice ... tinned toms OK ..again prefer well cooked fresh ones. Love black pudding on a breakfast plate although I prefer the Scottish types with the oatmeal . That said I haven't had any since the last visit to teh UK pre Covid and you cant get it here. French Boudin noir is just not the same... usually has garlic which overpowers the mace which is, I think, what goves black pudding its distinctive taste