James Arthur. Billie Eilish. It’s like they’ve figured out they need only even do the cadences and kids will still lap it up. Enunciation is apparently sooooo last century.
Honestly nobody. There are lots of songs I don't like but honestly there aren't really any artists who I can say I hate every one of their songs. There will be some in the stuff kids listen to these days where I suspect I'll not like anything by them but I couldn't tell you their names. I try not to get too hung up on the band or group and just feel like if I like a particular song then I like it. I don't really care if they wrote their own songs, played their own instruments or if they met in school or Simon vowel introduced them all and I've never understood the musical snobbery that some people have where they simply refuse to listen to someone or acknowledge that a song sounds good because they aren't playing the drums. I listen with my ears not my eyes, can't tell me if Robbie Williams is a solo artist with a backing band or a band itself. Not quite what your thread is about but I went all waffley for a change
Green Day. They're an amazing band and I can't even pretend I dislike their music, but my dad overplayed them to the point where the intro to Basket Case gives me flashbacks to the miserable drive to school on a murky Monday morning.
The Sex Pistols Its my usual preferred genre of music, but I just find Johnny Rotten's voice incredibly irritating.
Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Boney M.. if ah study there's probably others bt posted who instantly came to mind.. Hooky...surprised me with Roxy Music mate...wer one if the pioneers in 70's music. (ye were 70's lads)...Mr Bowie as always no1...
I can't name any artist or band I would change the station for because of their musical output - music is too emotive, and crap music like the Spice Girls now has strong positive memories because Wannabe was No1 when I got married. Like Gravy Chips, I like Green Day, but can't listen to American Idiot after overhearing it when it was released. Just last weekend I was gardening and some kids had a radio on that played Boney M - Rasputin. Undoubtedly a crap song, *but* now it reminds me of school discos and parties in the 70s and early 80s. Likewise Abba and others from that period. I do struggle to listen to some musicians, like Nirvana after Cobain's suicide but I won't listen to artists whose legacy has been tainted by a serious criminal conviction - like LostProphets or Gary Glitter. Saying that, I did listen to a Fang album last year and the singer was convicted of murder in the 80s, but reformed in prison and went on to produce a range of audio books with other prisoners as part of a charity scheme.
You don't want me to go down this road. I'd end up costing admin a fortune in additional server space.