Well done. It's just a shame that more opposition MPs don't do what she did. She should be applauded but instead they threw her out of the chamber.
It's the most bizarre thing. The incredible irony... the person she suggested was a liar, has been sacked previously (many years ago)... for lying in the commons!
Sometimes the truth hurts. These charlatans lie at every opportunity but it appears that they are Teflon and can say anything. The most disappointing thing is that the speakers are so weak that they may as well not be there, Johnson gets away with lying, not answering any questions at PMQs and still the thick twunts vote for him and his cabal.
The best answer to this came from Dennis Skinner. He said “Half of those on the opposition benches are crooks” to which the speaker asked him to withdraw that statement. Skinner’s reply “Very well Mr Speaker, half of those on the opposition benches are not crooks.”
The video of the incident intrigues me a little. Who is the person in front of the deputy speaker who passed a note to he which she read out to kick the MP out?
They are the clks that provide them with the regulations/rules. It would appear they don’t know them and have to rely on others to inform them
Ah thanks, I thought they might have been a lawyer or something so that makes sense. Does it mean she will have asked them for the relevant regulation or that they will just have done so off their own back? The video I saw may have been cut for the news but it didn't seem to show her interacting with the person in front.
The speaker and the deputy speaker are just as bad as these lying tw@t's knowing full well they are lying but allow them to lie to the house, Dawn wants to have a badge made saying I got kicked out for telling the truth and him that lied could go on lying.
No confidence by the (deputy) speaker and seemingly didn't know what she was doing. Just as Michael Martin hadn't when he had to ask who Dennis Skinner was when he was kicked out a few years back. Whatever your politics, the speaker has to speak with authority, and of late that's been Berkow (love him or hate him) or Boothroyd. Sorry for going off topic. Totally agreed with most points made in thus thread thus far.
They will have provided the speaker with the relevant regulation as she asked Dawn Butler to withdraw the comment, if Dawn Butler declined, which she did, then the speaker would have had to have quoted the relevant passages of the law for the HOC to have her suspended. I must admit, Dane Butler played a blinder tonight and she should be praised, not lambasted for it. The truth will out
Is it any wonder the country is in such a mess when the system allows the prime minister to openly lie but not be challenged over it.
At one time it was accepted that if you were found to have lied in Parliament your position was untenable and you had to resign. It was just assumed though no one thought MP’s would ever behave like the current circus Our political system is totally f#cked when someone can be proved to lie to the Queen and to Parliament and there are no consequences but someone correctly points out their lies and they are suspended FOR TELLING THE TRUTH I despair I really do
She was sticking to the rules, you can't blame the speaker. The rule comes from a distant time when MPs were "Gentlemen" whose word was their bond. MPs occasionally "misled" Parliament but then returned to the house to correct the record. This government tells bare faced lies to Parliament and so far none have them have corrected the record. It's time the rule was dumped and MPs like Dawn should be celebrated not suspended.