Are the ones that are still wearing masks, but incorrectly. Not covering the mouth or nose etc. I can understand people that have ditched the masks when it stopped being a requirement. I can understand people that want to keep wearing them. But people that continue to wear them wrong? I just don't get it and I've seen more than a couple in that group out and about over the last couple of days.
Took my kid to school yesterday. Didn’t wear my mask for first time. Reasoning being it was outside and I was on the move, not stood around, it was quiet etc Group of women all masked up. As soon as they were outside gates they huddled together really close, took of their masks and stood their chatting. Weird behaviour
I think a lot will wear them to look the part and avoid potential confrontation' i know they shouldn't get hassled as its now not compulsory but the whole pandemic as been very divisive and it will no doubt continue with some people..
I mean, those people have always confused me. It's like walking around with your chap hanging out of your fly
Aye. Old fella struggling his way through supermarket today. Mask around his chin not even covering his mouth. Just take it off fella nobody will mind now. Majority, including myself, had one on.
I don’t understand how it even happens, my masks have never fallen down. When they arrived, I tried them on and tied the straps to the correct size and they’ve stayed tied since. Even the kids at school who use the disposable ones made for adults know to twist the straps a few times before putting them on so that they are the correct size.
In Morrison's the other day was an old lady being pushed around in a wheelchair and obviously attached to an oxygen tank...
Funnily enough I read and liked the op just called to pick up a prescription and saw a fella doing exactly this.
Very odd. Seen a few wearing them wrong at a funeral this afternoon. The deceased was a bloke I knew when I worked at the car auctions, he was a Luton supporter and had requested that everyone wear some orange - they even supplied orange face masks for those without orange garments. It was all good until the awful and embarrassingly cheesy "Hatters" song at the end...
Starting to notice more people without masks on now in shops. Suspect some didn't want to wear them but took seeing others not doing so to give them the confidence.
I don't get the bad mask wearing either but my biggest bugbear is people without masks stepping right into my personal space when there is absolutely no need. I had a bloke the other day with no mask step right into my face when I was in the queue in Gregg's, then got quite aggro and pointedly reached out and touched the pack of donuts I was holding when I politely asked him to step back. There was noone else in the shop. The bloke must've been in his 50s
Sadly mask or no mask some people are just unpleasant. As I said on these threads before I'm not wearing a mask in most settings but as a result I think I'm actually being more respectful of others space.
That's me too altough I've always thought that maintaining a distance and hand hygine was far more effective than masks.