Can’t reach the Premier without breaking FFP rules.
Don't understand why it's so difficult. As we all know Wednesday have around 2.5 billion fans. If each of them buys a £60 home, away and third shirt, as well as the respective goalkeeper tops that's £150 billion a year. Baffled how they're managing to spend all that.
This man and this club are absolutely perfect for each other and long may the partnership flourish. What we need is the inept governing bodies of the game actually doing their ******* jobs now to proportionately keep these clubs in check. Alas, like any other position of authority throughout our nation, they're not fit for purpose.
Whilst offering silly contracts to the current squad in league 1…. I suppose they get around this by not paying wages.
I love Chansiri. He's my favourite football club owner. £50+ on-the-gate tickets. Well, you have to charge this, if you want to fund the best players. Financial doping, points deduction, League One. He's great.
Does ffp include amount the players are contracted to be paid or the amount they actually get paid. These will be 2 different amounts at this club.
Seems irresponsible as head of a company, justifying overspending on supporters, rather than having a coherent plan.
“The only way we can attract bang average players to my Joke of a club is to overpay them.” sounds like a reight sustainable business model, this guys a genius.
Wednesday 12/1 for relegation. I've stuck a quid on, just for the hell of it. There's no way Chansiri is taking them anywhere but downwards IMHO.
Headlined club will have a change in direction. Translates to we are going to move away from cheating, which didn’t work to not cheating and give that a go.
Our owners get some stick from some on here. Thank fc1k we have them and not somebody like Chansiri and others like him who pollute our game.
Nothing will change until the smaller businesses affected have to take the Governing bodies to court for damages . If the rules available aren’t implemented then surely these businesses have case but how our courts work I won’t hold my breath .