The vast majority in the ground at the Euro Final at Wembley was stood up all game. I like to sit down but the only time I had chance to sit was half time. Same the last time I went to Bumhole Lane, stood up all game. So is there actually any need to have a designated standing area with seats? Been to Hamburg and their standing area had no seats so looked twice as full as the rest of the stand.
In the light of all that's gone before, I can't get my head around the idiocy of calling for a return to standing at football matches.
Why? Standing isn't inherently unsafe. It's been used successfully in Germany for years as we well know, and the laws of physics aren't any different in Germany to in the UK. I would also say that at club football the general behaviour of fans in the UK isn't a problem either. Which just leaves us with organisational abilities.....
Plus the seat is folded up and locked into place. I do wonder if the rail obstructs your view when it's in seated mode though.
Before the notorious incident to which think you are referring, literally millions of people stood up without injury at football matches for many decades in Britain alone and substantially more millions round the world. Compared to accidents involving motor vehicles, the casualty rate for standing at football matches is vanishingly small.
Totally agree. How that stand hasn’t been demolished is beyond me. Narrow entry points and scaffold for stairs. You can clearly see now still, that if there was an issue, you’d have to go straight on the pitch.
Safe standing won’t return full scale. 1) Too expensive for no financial gain. 2) A lot of fans just ain’t that fussed to warrant the expenditure. 3) Retro-fitting does reduce capacity. 4) Given the choice, most fans at lower level would rather spend the money on a player. It’s only feasible as part of a new stand or large renovation of an existing one really. Which is what’s happening at Bristol.
You're probably right. However, with the West Stand surely in line to be replaced within the next 5-10 years, we'd be daft not at at least look at it as an option.
Yes that’s the time to look at it. Got to be honest - it’s not for me. A step backwards IMO. Although I understand the reasons why people might want it, I don’t think it will bring any more atmosphere.
I'm probably also too old / lazy these days to stand for 90 minutes, though if there was the opportiunity I'd defintely give it a go to see how I liked it. Can't see my wife or daughter being up for it, but it's obvious that the demand is there from some people. I'm also not sure how much of a difference it would make to the atmosphere. Small pockets of standing probably wouldn't, but if it was a larger area - ideally behind the goal, but in our case maybe the whole of the lower tier of the new West Stand, I think it could well improve the atmosphere.