Going to Arsenal u23s , Didn’t know he was in the England setup tbh. well done Kev. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/dailycannon.com/2021/06/kevin-betsy-arsenal-u23s/amp/
I really liked Kevin Betsy. A shining light in very dark times. Came across as a very decent and highly intelligent bloke in interviews. I think he went into journalism for a bit after he finished playing before moving into coaching.
You're obviously thinking about a different Kevin Betsy. Strong, skillful for a big lad, and a decent finisher is what I remember. 15 goals from midfield in around 90 games in mostly poor sides is a very respectable return.
I seem to recall this from possibly Jay when Betsy was with us Don't blame it on the floodlight, don't blame it on the touchline, don't blame it on the goalposts, Blame it on K Betsy He just cant, He just cant, He just cant control his feet