Love mi Barnsley Accent. I have used it to my advantage many times. I used to work in the south negotiating contracts. Often they would think I was a thick northerner because of my accent. This meant they often didn’t realise that I knew my stuff. Always got what I wanted. I Always encourage my daughter to have a telephone accent that she can use, but to always be proud of her Barnsley accent.
Can anybody remember Owd Sam. It was a comic piece in the Chronicle written in a broad Barnsley dialect. It was hard to decipher even for a born and bred Barnsley lad or lass so I don't know how others from outide the town coped. I am proud to come from Barnsley and I don't give a bugger what other people think about my accent. Alreight
From Hemsworth and despite being away for almost 30 years accent still going strong , however have slowed down a lot otherwise no chance I be getting understood here in Singapore. Was a rough couple of months at the beginning when I moved here as my colleagues had a tough time understanding me. When we have a new starter it take them a get used to my english accent as its not from the movies
My other half reckons my accent gets significantly stronger after I've been reading this board, despite never hearing the accent. It's just an automatic regression. I used to be really broad. When I gave presentations at Barnsley College the rest of the class would take the **** of my inability to adapt. Sadly, 28 years of living away have diluted it massively. My great great auntie would say, "Well, I'll gu tu Sheffield in a wheel barra" or my grandad, "I'll gu tu mi tay"
They used to be a column/page in the match day programme called ‘Tommy Tyke Sez’ it was written the same way. It was a challenge for us locals, goodness knows what away fans made of it
Love my accent born in worsbrough. I think modern day schooling especially at a young age is trying to get rid of local dialects, I think phonics is a huge cause of that. I disagree with the career prospects too if you’re good at your job then your voice certainly won’t stand in your way I deal with a lot of french working for edf on the power stations and I’ve found that my accent has got me out of a few messy situations too. I’ll si thi
I was at a wedding in Devon sometime ago and was asked by a local “Which part of Lancashire are you from” my answer was “The Barnsley part”.
Wonder why we use thee, tha, thar, thaz, thine but not thou? Also some words have two variants, coyt and coort for coat. Speyk and speerk for speak.
I would go as far as to say. A Stockport. (and to a degree Oldham) accent is more akin to a Barnsley accent than a Leeds one. But north of the M62 greater Manchester side it is nowt like us. “Du ya not know”
Our accent even in Yorkshire gets hammered, living all over the UK the impression I got/get is that many say we are lazy speakers ( because we miss out the word "The") and many people think we sound thick/ simple. I worked teaching young soldiers in training, I had to change the way I speak because if I didn't the majority would have been scratching their heads, when I say change it was things like not saying "t" for " The" or missing it out altogether, "out" instead of "arrt", going instead of "goooin", I had to slow down and really think about how I was pronouncing words, but when I'm back up north it comes flooding back and I left Royston over 30 years ago
A few years ago when we had to queue around the car park to get a ticket for Liverpool away in the FA cup. Luckily I got my ticket and thought I'd go for a pint in the Mount. I got talking to a lad from Wakefield who said that he'd been in the pub for a couple of hours waiting for his work mate who had also been queuing for tickets and that he'd had a great time in the pub waiting but couldn't understand a word that the locals said .
that's a blast from the past. Someone in my family said that but can't remember who ... and I want take it on. Interestingly*, I heard someone say "ohh, it's a rum do" recently which chuckled me. Not heard that in ages before. * OK, not interesting.
Didn't realise Team 17 are based in Wakefield until a few years ago, always enjoyed the Tykes voice option.
Really similar. I also left at 18, Cambridge, then Newcastle, then Manchester via Berlin. To my deep shame I switch it on and off depending on the environment. My son who’s only 9 comments that it changes when we’re at the football.