What a lovely beast. I get on with dogs better than people. I like people, but they have a tendency to let you down, dogs don't.
Well done.. always adopt, don’t buy. An old school pal of mine recently said- a good dog costs at least 2 grand. I looked at my old Alf, who cost f all & wondered what exactly is a good dog, when it’s at ooerm? I’m thinking about this fella next. 6 years old & blind as a bat..
I get on better with people who get on better with dogs than people, than people who don’t. I know what I mean..
Not adopted, but this handsome boy is a lodger at ours for a few months at least. He moved in with his family temporarily while they find somewhere else. There's a lot of bad press about Staffys but this one is the best natured dog I have ever come across. Well, having said that, he's great with people but hates other dogs. His name is Demek which is (roughly) Polish for "Demon" .
Had a cataract operation on our old rescue. He was about 7, and lived to 19. Cost loads for the operation, and had to have drops in twice a day for the rest of his life…. But worth it all.
We've had Masey (x breed) 2yrs, and Darcey cocker 7mth. She's 5/6yrs old and been used as a puppy machine. They're both lovely but very different. Darcey now getting used to people and showing her personality very slowly. Masey is a noisy sod! Just tried to attach a pic, but it said file too big!
I’ve currently got 2 terrier crosses. 1 had anger issues. He basically didn’t like men. He bit me most days, the neighbour couldn’t get near the fence, and he growled pretty much all the time. After about a month, he realised that the biting wasn’t getting him anywhere. We showered him with love and attention, when he wanted it. But also ensured he knew he wasn’t the boss. My dog watches out for our neighbour now and goes to get petted whenever he’s out. The neighbour said to me “just goes to show, there’s no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners”. He still growls, and many people think he’s very nasty, but he uses growling to show all emotions. He growls when he’s happy, and enjoying himself! He’s a weird little dog, but lovely really.
we was going to get a patterdale, until someone parked next to us got out of his car and the patterdale he had in car just went mental . ripping into seat belt on passenger side , throwing itself on dashboard and at window, that dog did not want to be left
I'm looking at getting a rescue dog in next couple of months when I've had work to house and garden finished. Looking for a Springer or Collie when times right. Got my last one from Cliffe Kennells and he was an absolute beaut.