Sky Q Does anyone know how to get them to send a Sky Q box for self installation? On the web chat, they've told me an engineer has to visit to do checks as it's their first upgrade. Any way around this? As far as I'm aware, you're only swapping the current feed from the dish and connecting it up your your own wifi (which I set up in the first place). This is for my parents, so I'd rather set it up for them and in my own time than have to be there for an engineer, and my mum isn't particularly keen on someone going in the house anyway. Thanks. EDIT Their, there and they're
My mother-in-law had to have an engineer out - not sure if it is a technical requirement or the fact their 'dish' is a communal one with multiple feeds.
It's a new dish for sky q, for the extra feeds into the box I guess. I got a new one and same for my mum, so seems that's standard.
They upgraded our system a month or so ago. The guys who came in were superb. Great service. Great upgrade.
Switched over to sky Q when I moved and they do indeed put a new dish up as the previous owner had sky +. It's OK though I do miss some features from my virgin Tivo box which I have to say is a superior bit of kit in my opinion. Also the sky Q remote is horrible.
Agree with the remote. It's one they have designed it with a remote hogger I mind. It's in my hand and I'm keeping it. Absolutely awful design to put on a side table without making sounds as though you've thrown it across the room in anger.
Sky q remote is the most unintuitive thing I've ever had to use. Absolutely horrendous design with buttons in completely random places and doing things you'd never expect. I've had it for ages and I still can't use it without turning the lights on
is there not a newer model remote ? One with a button so you can speak the channel? It wasn't quite clear in my research if this was standard or not?
yes that's the standard remote now. They got rid of the touch remote because it just didn't work properly
That is the Sky Q remote and that little feature is occasionally useful but the remote as a whole is horrific.
You do need the engineer for the main box and the change of dish, if you get extra Mini Boxes you can fit these yourself