What is even more stupid about this whole $hit shower is that many of the areas that were decimated by the conservatives and her, I can’t even type her name, have actually voted for these W@nkers
I was going to wade in but I see from fellow BBSers, that I don’t need to. He’s just a Dick. The only ones more idiotic than him are those that voted for him.
This is the same Boris who's made numerous speeches to his base about accepting our past and not trying to rewrite the bits we don't like to fit modern ideals? I refuse to read that article but does he make any reference to the total lack of support for the communities crushed by the closures? No? Thought not. Utter c*ntwaffle
Don't worry , help is on its way . I'm of the opinion that we are screwed whichever way we turn . You can either vote for a right wing idiot or a right wing idiot who talks a bit nicer . Spoilt my paper the last time I voted when served up the choice of labour under starmer / Tories / lib Dems ( local election from memory ) . I'll be doing the same unless some political miracle happens over the coming years though I'm not holding my breath . This is the end result when your political class is 100% owned by corporate entities though they do say when corporate and state power merge that by definition is fascism . I'm of the opinion that we are at that stage already .
I couldn't spoil my paper nor could I not vote, it's just who do you vote for when the Tories or labour just arent an option? Poor times I'm afraid
Let''s just treat his crass comments for what they are. Stupid and ill thought thats a nod to heartland traditionalist tories that have seen through DePfeffel and where his polling is flatlining. The hopeful counter reaction to trying to shore up vote of a thatcherite audience is for the areas of the UK that thatcher brutalised to see through this disgusting wicked uncaring blob and vote against him. If people think this cretin is the same as all other politicians they really need to give their heads a wobble.
As with most modern ‘journalism’ the article doesn’t exactly match the headline. In a long interview Keir explains that Labour should stop only seeing Blair through the lens of the war and we should celebrate his successes reducing poverty, creating jobs, investing in infrastructure etc. Now whilst I am and was frustrated that Blair didn’t do enough (considering his mandate), it’s also true that Labour being simply a party of protest is utterly pointless. Anyone looking at Starmer and seeing him as the same as Johnson is being wilfully ignorant of some quite obvious facts.
I don't get why this is so hard. This is a Conservative country. The Labour party have only ever won elections when they've had the support of the Welsh & Scottish people. That support has shifted too meaning that we're relying on a Conservative country that has shifted to the right in the last 10 years suddenly voting for a left government. Labour HAS to be a centrist party that attracts people that have voted Tory / Brexit in the past but also offers people on the left reason to believe they're a pragmatic choice. It's not an easy calculation but there's not a cat in hells chance lurching to left wins elections. Because that has been categorically proven TWICE in four years. In my ideal world the Labour party would stand on a clearly socialist platform and win. But it's not an ideal world - it's the real one. Folk should start to recognise it.
I give him more credit than this, I think he knows exactly how this lands and it’s purely to stoke the culture war. Those that hate him already now have something else to hate him for, but for his fans, it’s simply a joke. Whilst for the ignorant who are sucked in by his face value populism; a fair proportion of them will take this at face value, so ‘I’d not realised the Tories were modernisers all along’. I can’t decide whether it’s chilling or just ridiculous watching the way the public are manipulated.
Depressing. Johnson can make those remarks and down here no one would object because down south, ‘the north’ is an unknown world - like those regions of ancient maps that are marked “there be monsters.” During the miners’ strike me and a mate from up north got out a bucket and went round the agency collecting for the miners. Most had no idea what we were talking about. At college in Reading I wore an NCB donkey jacket my old man got me. People wanted to know if ‘NCB’ were a new band.
This is another area of cognitive dissonance with the left, if Blair had closed the mines for envionmental reasons they would have agreed with that. Just last year Starmer was campaigning against a new mine being opened in the North East.
Sorry, but no they wouldn’t. Any responsible govt. would’ve presented a ‘green’ programme and phased these in with proper supportive measures for the communities and workers of the mining industry. Not blatant destruction of jobs and communities for vindictive purposes. What a ***** but Labour post, get back to licking Boris ‘s @rse
I can't stand him. I stopped believing in the party politics pantomime about the same time I got my first pube.
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...arillion-capita-financial-crash-a8202661.html Sure , and then there's this . Of course new labour could have funded all the infrastructure builds directly via state loans or tax rises but then they would have been labelled commies by right wing rags such as the sun . Instead they got into bed with the corporations and their privately owned media as a way to gain power then went right along with what said corporations wanted . Again this isn't a labour only issue . The same happened across all of Europe's supposed left wing parties and you can throw in the Dems across the pond to boot .