Just read an article on the BBC saying Neil warnock has said fans should be putting pressure on players to get jabbed as vaccine takeup amongst his squad is low. Considering there a probably to attend football matches after september fans will need to be double jabbed, should players be the same? Also, not convinced its right that he says fans should be pressuring players to be jabbed.
I don't believe anyone should be pressured into it' although atm the media is on a proper scare strategy' every other news story is a young people with covid stat or tv cameras at a young persons bedside' problem is' all the experts have said for the last 16 months is that young people are extremely unlikely to be ill with covid and 80% won't even know they have it' now they're saying the opposite and a lot of the youngens aren't buying it..
Can see his point and I'm surprised the players aren't getting vaccinated Those doctors and nurses who will treat them if they end up in hospital have to be vaccinated though. Its up to each individual , if they choose not to be vaccinated I would hope as highly paid footballers they will be very cautious out and about to limit the possibility of contracting it.
Did you read about the 43 year-old fitness fanatic who died of Covid this week? Didn’t want a vaccine. His family are bitterly regretting his decision. Quite frankly I just do not understand such stupidity.
Because that was their choice, a choice that seems to have been taken away. The fact is a large number of under 30s do not want the vaccine. People calling up the under 30s of this is so wrong. The vaccine doesn’t stop you catching it nor does it stop you spreading it, so if you’ve had it then great. It’s nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever if you’ve had it or not. personal choice, a choice that should not be removed. If it is removed then I’m afraid we’re on a very, very slippery slope from there.
Hmmm. So an NHS starved of money should have its resources further stretched taking care of people who refuse to take one small step to protect their own health? I would probably argue against mandatory vaccination but it's about time some people in society grew up and took some responsibility for their own actions and their effect on others.
This is the key thing isn't it. The vaccine should not be mandatory. Of course it should be a choice. But the NHS will suffer from that choice. So instead of removing a choice there could be a Covid tax, payable by those who do not wish to join in the NHS vaccination programme, all funds going to cover that spike in cost.
Are you suggesting that the general public are too dumb to understand 'reduction' in risk? How is anyone so stupid to think that the vaccine has to be 100% effective to be of any use?
No experts have been leading with the message that younger people are unlikely to die. That message is the one that's been spread by the Covid denier crowd, and is still being regularly used by them now. I've never seen a public health offficial from any country suggest that Covid isn't dangerous for young and fit people. But it's a message I have heard or read every flipping day for the last year or so. So let's lay the blame for this message squarely where it belongs. And if we never reach herd immunity - it'll be the Covid sceptics (including plenty on this board) who will be responsible.
I am double vaccinated and I got the virus, me and the Mrs isolated for 10 days, she tested negative throughout, the vaccination hugely lessens the symptoms and does help prevent you spreading it.
Of course they have' whitty and co have been saying it all along did you not watch the daily updates' they said that younger people are extremely unlikely to die with the virus and very few would be seriously ill with it, absolutely they did' they're not saying it now of course..
It might not stop it but it does help both with the likelihood of catching it and passing it to others. It's mainly the unvaccinated, younger end of the population in hospitals now.
Playing devils advocate as i've had both my jabs' I can see it from both sides' as you say the slow uptake in young people could ultimately have a detrimental affect on the NHS but we are also asking people to be injected with something that hasn't been tested long term' nobody including the scientists that developed them know if they will be harmful long term so i think a lot of young people would rather take their chances..
I've had both jabs. But I won't be having 'boosters' for the rest of my life. The headlines are now that there are more young people being admitted into hospital with COVID. As always, it's largely propaganda and misrepresented. The number of older people being admitted has collapsed so younger people have increased their percentage. Yet, hospitalisations are down for young people, too. The NHS is not being overwhelmed. If anything, it's being put under strain from people being admitted with side effects from the vaccine (of which, according to government stats, around 1,500 people have died from... but nobody cares about those people). I know a few people who had their first jab, had a bad reaction to it, and it put them off their second. I also know someone who is absolutely terrified of needles, so they won't get it. People on this forum would have her slung on the fire but I prefer to try and understand. She's had COVID too, so she has natural immunity (which is better than the vaccine..) but again, nobody cares about that. Don't even get me started on vaccinating kids. I'm not anti vax, but I don't like the divisiveness the whole thing is causing. The hate towards people who have declined to be vaccinated is shocking considering we're supposed to live in a liberal, tolerant country. Everyone loves the Tories and their Chinese-style authoritarianism. And everyone trusts and loves big pharma, too. You couldn't make it up.
I'll not do a line by line... But this is absolute nonsense, and if you're not an anti vaxxer - you ought to stop sharing their lies
Why am I anti vax when I've had both jabs?I believe in body autonomy and not forcing people to have medical procedures in order for them to be 'free'. I know most would prefer mandatory vaccinations, but I think it's a terrible idea. I also believe that people should always default to skepticism when it comes to governments and big pharma/corporations. Also, too, that every life is worth as much as another. An unvaccinated person is an equal to a vaccinated. If you don't agree with that then I give up. Also, here you go: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions Examine each document. Totals are at the bottom for each.
I never said you were anti vax - I posted... I read those doc's before replying to you - there's nothing in them to suggest 1500 people have died due to side effects from the vaccine... Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccines played a role in these deaths.
There are 1,500 cases where the reporter suspects the death was caused by the vaccine. I presume these reports were submitted by medical professionals (otherwise, what's the point?). Okay, so you might argue it's only a suspicion that it may be the cause. Shouldn't this be followed up? Are we now doubting the competency of medical professionals who produce these reports? Why do we just have to dismiss it? And let's not dismiss the thousands of cases where side effects have led to life long issues. Look, if you want a vaccine, get one. I did. If you don't want one, don't. Nobody should have a gun to their head over this. But don't pretend that the vaccines don't come with issues, too. For the majority they don't, but for thousands there are complications that are unpleasant. I just don't like this narrative: if you die of COVID with underlying health issues then it's a tragedy; yet, if you die from the vaccine because you have underlying issues then it's fine. Or if you become seriously ill from the vaccine then it just is what it is. If people don't want to get it, that's fine with me. I've had mine, I'm protected (even though statistically, I probably didnt need to be) Anyway...