I get it that there’s a food chain, but never really got this idea that as soon as one player got a contract, the rest would be knocking on the door. Ayew was on four times as much as anyone at Swansea last season and Toney was on way more than anyone at Brentford, reported 40k a week. As long as the player justifies it, there won’t be a problem
Getting lectured by the bloke who insists Schopp is the second coming of Spackman based on absolutely nothing! I'm one of Alex's biggest fans. He's been a terrific player for Barnsley and I will miss him. Sadly, he's left. However, as I've never seen Benson play, I don't know how good the lad is. I don't expect him to be a mirror image of Alex in style and I certainly won't write him off with sneering, derogatory comments before he's even pulled on the shirt.
We are what we are at the moment, a stepping stone club for players and managers, nowt will change there will always be an element of bitterness towards those that leave us. Some reight teeth grinding to come for some of our fans. Grrrr.
I'm a bit puzzled, old mate. I haven't received a message to my In Box, nor have I blocked you. Anyway, we're good. No worries.
It's not the first time, it won't be the last time. But you never fail to apologise for any indiscretions and I still like and respect you, old mate.