Why is it that when my dog does a **** in a public place I have to clean it up (which I don't mind) but when a rider's horse shits in the street or road it is allowed to trot on and leave a smouldering pile of brown boulders behind?. My dogs poos are approximately 1/15th the size of an equine's equivalent. All riders should have to strap a shovel on the horse's saddle when they go out in public.... N.B. My dog just ran through some horse **** and I've just had to bath her....
Because Just one pile of dog poo can contain a million roundworm eggs! In humans this can lead to stomach upsets, throat infections, asthma and in some cases blindness. Over 100 cases of partial blindness in children are seen every year due to toxocara canis eggs in faeces.Horse poo doesn't.
For one I've never shovelled doggie stuff up for my allotment. Don't get me started on cats. Ps I hate horses aswell. Horrible things. Apart from their 'deposits' making my veg better. That's all.
Humans are the worst. I was walking my dog about 3 months ago. Twilight, quiet and as we climbed a hill a guy came into view. He didn't notice us but as we approached he pulled his keks down, crouched for about 10 seconds, pulled his keks back up and walked off nonchalantly. I was walking up to a bin to the very area he had 'crouched' in as I was depositing doggy poo. I had a quick look and sure enough the bloke had benefitted the local area with a steaming log of shi.t. Unbelievable.
Herbivore poo is generally smelly but harmless. Carnivore poo is a serious health hazard. Some horse owners do return to pick up their poo but it would be nice if more did.
Saw a bloke do this in broad daylight on Doncaster Road opposite St Joseph's nursery. Don't do drugs kids.
Can always remember playing levy as a kid. Me and a mate were hiding in the bushes at the back of our estate and he said "pass me a doc leaf". I looked round and he's there pants down having a crap. To this day worst crap i've ever smelt.
Saw a guy do it on hot summers day on the grass outside Sheffield Cathedral. It was lunchtime and hundreds of people were sat around eating their lunch…. It soon cleared. The poor lad was clearly off his face.
There’s always a reason. Usually poor life choices, but sometimes mental health, sometimes upbringing, etc. Generally people don’t set out to be a space cadet shutting in public… Felt sorry for him to be honest, I mean how much lower can a human go?
The fine for horse owners not cleaning up their poo should therefore be slightly less than dog owners, and they would need bigger bags.