Can an extended range of emojis be made available on here? I'm usually more annoyed than this.... And often more gobsmacked than this. Thanks in anticipation.
But still better than an afternoon at Hillsborough... Line-up announced First half Half-time Second half Full-time Praise or Grumble
The one I'm not keen of is this one: I try not to use it at all if I can help it, because I think that if I have to use in order to make it plain to everyone that I'm joking, then either my joke is not very funny or I've not adequately expressed myself with my choice of words. Yet still it creeps in occasionally. I hate it. I hate myself for using it. Stuff it. I'm not using it ever again - and if you can't figure out that I'm joking, that's your effing problem.
I remember the very first time I got a “lol” in a text message, I thought it meant lots of love which I found odd as it was from my mates….with hindsight I really shouldn’t have replied, love you too
I’d like something apt for when Supertyke gets her knickers in a twist over summat & nowt, then runs with it for days on end..
Wednesday fans don't need emojis to be offended , they have a massive team quite capable of offending them
It probably can be used sarcastically, but depends on the context of the conversation that’s being had and/or the words with which it is sent. In exactly the same way as an adult can smile passive aggressively.