I remember going to Filbert Street once when an irate Leicester fan bounced his car off of 4 or 5 others driving out of the car park after Steve Loundes had given them a good spanking.
I had to park in the club car park a couple of times last season we were allowed in as My Dad had a problem with his knee and couldnt walk very far - it takes forever to get out though - usually we park in East Dene or Riding for Disabled and walk but I think East Dene might be a bit far back up the hill now - worst case though I will drop him at the ground and go and park rather than park in the club car park- we cant go tomorrow though unfortunately as both have other commitments
I always park up behind the Town Hall, meet my pals in the Temple & we walk down. It's all part of the match day experience for me in the build up to the game. I appreciate not everyone can do that though if they are elderly / infirm.
Yes there are some people with mobility problems and they aught to be prioritised. Sadly, those that are simply lazy are only hastening the day when they have mobility problems. I have thought about putting my bike in the back of the car and cycling from Worsbourough on the trans pennine trail, I might just do that.
Great idea but where would you leave the bike. That house at the bottom of the car park behind the burger van used to be a good place. Old lady at the gate taking the parking fee as you went in. I wonder if anyone else does this now?
I've often fancied biking in but there's nowhere to lock it up. Don't think I've seen it at any venue but it would be nice to have a bike locker where you could pay a quid in the knowledge the bike would still be in one piece after the game.
I have exactly the same dilemma with my dad, usually park in east Deane but his knee and hip are getting bad. When my dad doesn’t come I used to park on the road up from The Outpost, but this is often full by the time I get there l, so parking even further away these days - going to end up in Locke Park at this rate! I hate official car parks- I remember parking in a car park for foo fighters gig at old Trafford cricket ground - gig finished 10:30pm, we were still in the car park at 1:30 am.
Oakwell Lane is a killer for anyone with walking or breathing problems. My legs are still ok but I’m sometimes gasping for breath for a few seconds when I get to the top
Because they had a bunch of safety issues dropped on them at the 11th hour by the safety advisory group and presumably, they have had to make these changes to get the game on.
usually we park in East Dene or Riding for Disabled and walk but I think East Dene might be a bit far back up the hill now - The east dene is still were it was before.
These safety advisory people need to get their act together then, I would say. But hey - we’re only football supporters so a bit of last minute mucking about is all part of the fun. None of this affects me by the way. My pre-match routine is same as it ever was (same as it ever was)!
There's the Barnsley bike hub in the intrechange, it might be worth looking at their secure lock up scheme.
I didn’t know about that but it’s not something that I would need to know, not living in the town, and not having a bike any more.
Mr Badger has a point. Lots of folk may turn up not knowing the changes. Surely if the emergency services need access and egress that decision didn’t happen overnight. The execs are being requested to stay behind 30 mins for the main car park to empty. Then leave via south stand exits. Why does Beevor court have to be closed after the game and not reopened 10 minutes after, hopefully most of the emergency services will have left by then. It would be good to know why a decision has been reached so late In the day. Surely not left till the last minute..? Chaos ? possibly.