No dont think so. Its just exec members in there now I think unless its changed. Didn’t they stop selling spare tickets to those people in the previous season (Fan zone used the spare capacity)
A few weeks ago wasn't there a visit from representatives of the Prem to look at the ground just in case we got promoted? A thought ... could that have highlighted the issues with the old stand which have been raised recently? Having sold s/ts for the stand and then being advised it is not up to standard for the Prem could have prompted issues which now threaten it's life in the Champ. Or am I once again over thinking things?
It’s obvious why . Wendy at home all police leave cancelled and only one Bobby allocated to our game so trying to make it as easy as possible for lad (or lass)
Good point.... Edit, looked at the map and there looks to be plenty of street parking in Broomhill near the Old Moor Tavern.
Reality is GG probably spoke the least. But he had the advantage of putting his name to some unbelievably thoughtful ideas from our team that got amazing PR. The result? Everyone thinks he was this open, talkative, all access CEO. We hear so much more from the club these days about everything. Yes there’s a few frustrating silences, but we’re light years ahead of most clubs.
Good point. Those who have health problems so can't walk far should get priority to use the car park, so they don't have to walk far. Not sure why someone able bodied would ever want to park in there unless they aren't in a rush to get home.
Sorry JamDrop, I stand corrected. I thought they operated independently of the club and therefore scheduled the process and any resulting communications. Having googled and read a bit more about how they work I don't think that's the case and agree that we don't know when their advice was sought.
yes plenty of parking i live nearby. And definitely don’t park on the RSPB car park. The old moor has a car park or there’s plenty of on street parking.