Where would you put it? Reason I'm asking is, on Wednesday I put my season ticket in a safe place, but somewhere where I knew I wouldn't forget it before today. Of course, I've forgotten where. I've got my season ticket on my phone, but call me sceptical, I just like having the OG as back up. I've 15 minutes before I have to leave, so yeah, where would you have put it?
Hall table, the drawer in the kitchen where you put all your crap in your wallet,windowsill in bedroom
Tucked in your wallet? In your lucky pants/socks? Underneath the cutlery tray in the drawer? ** is this one of them fishing posts trying to find all our hiding places? ;-) **
Mine's in my phone wallet, been there for ages. Janie lost hers had to get a new one. She found several previous ones while looking for it. When you find your safe place there might be some of my lost items there. Our house is like a black hole!
Could do wit bar code tattooed on mi forheead wi a little Toby Tyke at the side of it. Owd age its a buggar.
Funnily enough, it's only a fortnight since we were burgled and they took my Mrs' car. Ive forgotten my season ticket so many times in the past, its a risk I'm willing to take. The mobile ticket is a god send to me though.
If you’d been a Wendy fan I’d have said safest place to keep it would be under a bar of soap. No Wendy fan would ever think of looking for anything under there .