I caught up on the threads from over the weekend including the trouble at the station waiting for the 17:21. I had the pleasure of seeing that whilst waiting and thought I'd have a look on the Coventry forum to see if there was anything on there. Instead I found this - https://www.skybluestalk.co.uk/threads/forest-granny-pushed-down-hill.135500/ I think it squarely falls into the "every club has its idiots" category. I do think though that if a similar video was posted on here of a Barnsley fan shoving an old woman down a hill it would be roundly shouted down. I hope so anyway.
See the comment with the most likes a few posts down: "I don't think that's funny". Basically what you said; every team has good followers and bell-end followers. It's the same up and down the country. I'd say we probably even have a higher than average twát to decent person ratio in our overall fanbase compared to many other clubs, but the BBS weeds out the twáts, which is why I like this site so much.
Being old doesn't mean you can get out of your car and shove someone. Who on earth was filming it though?
I think like all things posted on SM, there’s more context to it. It seems there was previous to this with those in the car trying to ram some Coventry fans with the car prior to this. That probably explains why it was being filmed etc, but can’t find an excuse for the lad pushing her, in my world that is unforgivable.
Normally I'd agree with you but as she got out the car and pushed him it looks as though she started the physical stuff?
I usually agree with most of your posts Helen, but I'm with IK on this, she could have easily have suffered a broken hip with life changing consequences from that push down a hill. Laugh at her getting physical and walk away calling her a daft so and so under your breath - but shoving a woman her age down an incline, just can't be right on any level in my mind.
Yes but he cold easily have walked away, instead he climbed over the barrier towards them. At the end of the day every single person in that video looks like an absolute arsehole who should be ashamed of themselves. The older couple in the car, the Coventry fans goading them, those who climbed the barrier to move towards them, the idiot who pushed her and all those watching and filming.
I could understand if it was the other idiot who pushed her immediately when she went for him as that could be a natural reaction to defend yourself but that's not even what happens, it's his mate who waits and then does it purely out of spite
Never lay hands on a woman. Especially an older one who you know you could hurt. Sorry for the old fashioned values. As said earlier walk away.
I genuinely hope it’s a better experience on Tuesday - I dont know whether there was more crap going off on Saturday or it’s because I’ve got used to not being in and around immature idiots, since we’ve been away , but I definitely noticed it much more at the weekend, and then the threads on here - it’s depressing.
The funny thing is most of the people involved are probably decent people 99% of the time. Probably holding down decent jobs, bringing up kids etc. Football & beer brings out the arsehole in some people. Embarrassing watching loads of Barnsley fans chasing 3 Coventry fans round gala bingo.
Might have had a dab on. Would three cov fans and two barnsley fans would make a full house at texas hold'em
First game in 18 month brought all the idiots out, like when we play Leeds or Wednesday's - they'll probably not be as many on Tuesday night.