Would it really make that much difference if all 3pm Saturday kick off's in the top 4 divisions in England were legally available for a small fee - say a tenner? I appreciate the idea behind it is to make people go to matches but I really don't think it would make that much difference to attendances. Maybe I'm thinking about this from the wrong point of view, but my Dad can't possibly get into the ground now but he'd be willing to pay and give the club money to legally watch all (or even just home) matches It's something he'd look forward to all week (and then sleep through when it actually happens). In this day and age, the rules have to change surely. Thoughts? Am I wrong?
Or why can't clubs themselves organise and deliver a streaming subscription service, all income goes to the club.
The fact that it is so routinely easy to get around the restriction with a VPN, without being in any way "techie" makes the whole thing a pointless exercise to boot.
You need to be a bit tekky My Dad could just about do the iFollow codes last year with a fair bit of help to start with. VPN’s are a step too far. Especially as many of the free ones don’t work with iFollow
I'll never understand the logic behind a 3pm blackout but showing a 5pm kickoff and a 1pm kickoff or whatever they are
I agree, but saying just home doesn't really make sense as you could just log onto the other clubs ifollow and use that one haha. It really does seem redundant to have blackouts on saturdays though
Possibly, but with a bit of help to download the app, set up an account etc, it would then just become a few extra routine steps. Open vpn app. Choose Canada, or wherever in the list. Press the big 'connect' button. Then come out of there and proceed with ifollow log on. I appreciate it might be too many steps for some but the principle I was alluding to is that it is not 'dark web' stuff for average punters to circumnavigate the restriction. It's not Fort Knox. So why do they bother?
In a season when several of the regular posters on the BBS feel unable to attend games due to low immune response to vaccinations - and limited travel is recommended - it would make sense to offer the service to fans for a fee...
Fair point it’s something anyone with a basic grasp can manage or with access to kids or grandkids to set up for them But as to the logic of a blackout it makes no sense at all.
Your dad sounds like he does just fine. My mum asked me to go fix her telly yesterday because she was trying to get Netflix on and "something has gone skew whiff" Turns out there was a message on screen about updated Sony privacy regs she had to press ok to accept. We've given up any hope of her learning the internet.
I’ll be honest, in normal times I’d like to see all games banned from the tele and only access is either going to the game or listen on the radio.
Does a vpn work on a virgin router so it can be used on a smart tv? I live in Cambridge and I'm at an age when I don't nip up to Barnsley and back easily. I don't want something for nowt and I'm happy to pay, but I'd like to see it on the telly rather than a computer or a phone.
I'm the opposite. I'd like to see access to iFollow away games made available as part of an enhanced ST package, obviously for an additional fee. I'd also like home coverage made available to any former ST holder who is no longer able to attend games due to age and/or mobility issues. Some people live and breathe BFC. It must be heartbreaking for them to get to a point where they're stuck at home with only the radio option.
That i a fair statement, but I don't think Premier or Championship clubs would, so would it be fair for those two divisions to broadcast their matches? Or do you mean people from smaller clubs would stop home and watch Man Utd instead?
Thanks - Dad woud happily by a season ticket knowing he wouldn't step into the ground but could still watch games.
What it all boils down to in my opinion is TV rights. Airing more games increases the risks of illegal streaming and ultimately loss of revenue for both club and TV provider. I'm not sure of the solution but have sympathy for people who can't get to games at present.