Dreadful news, a very funny man with some proper left-field humour that in the hands of someone else could easily miss the target. RIP
Shocking news. Binge watched a lot of 8out of ten cats does countdown recently What a hilarious guy he was. RIP Sean
RIP. Awful news. He didn't look well at all the last time I saw him on TV, but this has still come as a shocker. He was a superb comedian.
Awful news. Absolutely loved watching him on cats does countdown. Extremely funny bloke. Had me in stitches with some of the stuff he came out with. RIP Sean
Been watching some clips of cats does countdown. We know that these shows are heavily scripted but you can see when Sean is doing some of his bits how the others are fighting to hold it together and not burst into uncontrolled laughter, Jimmy Carr has tears from laughter on many of them. What a talent he had, and now I've just read he leaves behind children who are way too young to be losing a parent. I'm sure in time they will be proud of the joy he brought to so many. RIP Sean
Very funny bloke. I don't think I watched 8 of 10 cats, as I don't watch much telly, but saw him on HIGNFY & a few things. Very cutting humour. A sad loss to the human race.