is that the same as the chairmans vote of confidence in the manager? Thing is with Johnson words have no meaning so I have no clue if he will be sacked or not
That's the thing isn't it. He'll throw something like that out, see how it lands in the Sundays and then decide what to do next week (or his advisers will). There have been a huge number of politicians over the years who I've disliked or disagreed with, but I wouldn't even give him that - he's just an absolute vacuum of morality and backbone. Might as well put a cardboard cutout in charge.
Daily Mail have been the ones pushing this so can imagine they will go for it big time on Sunday and get him out. Johnson is only a puppet for his masters.
His first reaction is always to back his man whatever the accusation, he did it with Cummings and just the same with Hancock. Bluster and lie until the noise gets too great. What an absolute joke of a government
He backed Hancock for shagging in work Time, he backed Rees-Mogg for lying to the Queen, he backed Patel for bullying, he backed Cummings for his antics at Barnard Castle then telling bare-faced lies in trying to redeem himsen, and he still backs himsen on the N.I. protocol and his Brexit sh1tshow, and now the latest Raab debacle who now has blood on his hands for his incompetence. Coco will go down as the worst prim-minister this country has ever had.
And the Twa@s have gone full ‘Barnard Castle’ lining up all the lickspittles to tweet what a top bloke Raab is. It’s not just BoJo and his cabinet, the party is full of utterly morally corrupt wastes of space.
I agree, but still the turkeys vote for Christmas so I would not be surprised to see him re-elected, unless they get rid of him before hand, which I doubt
All eagerly awaiting their turn for their mouths to be stuffed with gold from the public purse by the incompetent in chief . The red wall racists have struck another blow to the health of the country .
I absolutely despise this government and all they stand for, and yet they are as popular as ever. The whole world has gone mad, absolutely f**king mad.
Anyone seen the video of Raab having a laugh during the Afganistan debate the other day? Only stopped when he realised the camera was on him - complete tw@t.
Brilliant photo is that. MPs love a poker face, but this time it tells you all you need to know. He's fighting for his political life and he will probably quit without being sacked like Hancock did.
Pointless political point scoring, on issues like this they should work together after all both parties have contributed to the issues in the Middle East, especially Iraq and Afghanistan. Don’t trust the majority of politicians as they are all in it for self interest.
I feel the same; never has there been such a useless, self serving government and yet so many people still support them, it makes me despair and wonder what sort of country we have become. There are none so blind as those that cannot see. : (