Here's the problem. I'm sure I've seen you claim to be anti racist so I'll take you at your word on that. The snag is that you and your fellow brexiteers, Torys, MAGA freaks, Orbanites etc see anti racism initiatives as coming from the left and the truth is you'd far rather "own the libs" than the racists.
A demonstration of solidarity against racism isn't really politics, is it? It's difficult to understand why some people find it controversial.
Around a quarter of the segregation dictated as required at oakwell though, that was my point and an extremely limited number of stewards too.
Was the taking a knee the cause? It aint the first incident over the past few years but there may be a denial it ever happened from their supporters trust.
So, scrap the Remembrance Day, Armed Service Day, laps of honour from local charity collections? I don’t feel strongly about any of it, would that all improve your life though?
Yes they don't like getting beat do they. They started the trouble at Wembley against us when they went 3-1 down
Four times that segregation would mean the entire stand behind the goal and half of the stand at the side of the pitch? Don’t see that being applied anywhere tbh? There were plenty of stewards and police present, although that’s not clear in the photos. Will say that the police took quite a while to get there for whatever reason.
The trouble started after our first goal, in the ground that is, it escalated as the game went on as loads of Millwall fans were allowed to walk around to the ‘trouble spot’
No it wouldn't, there's approximately 30 seats and two banks of 6 stewards, when we give out 2000 away tickets which is our cap the. There are approximately 90 seats plus the corner of the pitch and the big gap between the physically separate stands. Which adds up to not a million miles off what I said. My point wasn't that there isn't enough segregation at Cardiff but that there's too much due to poor stewarding at oakwell
Millwall is touted as a family club yet their fans do a lot of fighting. I wonder how much fighting and abuse goes on behind closed doors in the context of their family environments...
My father's friend as policed west ham and millwall fans in the 80s and he says west ham no major issues. Millwall every single time. Even with their own fans at it with eachother.
I honestly don't know how you've come to that conclusion based on what I said. I was pointing out that the Mirror were making out the line of stewards were going through Cardiff and Milwall fans, I was mentioning to Supertyke that this was misreported and that instead they were fighting with stewards. Not once did I say or hint at it being ok to fight, read over it again. Milwall are scum, end of.
I agree, they just weren't as close as reported in the article, and Cardiff fans weren't in those photos of the fighting. But I agree they are still too close in proximity. Obviously Cardiff have a reputation historically too, with the soul crew.