Brilliant fundraiser. If just one gammon has donated to this without understanding it, it would make my week.
I may make myself unpopular with this ... but ... I know a lot of people, they are the generation(s) above me - who very firmly believe that we should be "helping our own first". Does that make them Gammon? Their upbringing and outlook on life are fundamentally different to ours - but they're all thick racists right? That's how it works? They either share our view or they are only worthy of derision? I've tried to debate issues of race and equality and realised that many are closed books in that regard. They are however caring and good people. Or presumably they aren't because their world view doesn't accord with our own. That's right yes??
the person who started this collection, in my opinion , is more interested in thinking how clever he looks with his jolly jape than he is about the cause, the money would be better going to an organisation like UNICEF,who can help the poor people stuck in Afghanistan
I think your opinion is wrong. He’s an internet idiot whose found a way to have fun whilst raising money. If you’ve been reading his pages for the last few years you’ll realise he’s got no claim to look or be clever. Food banks, refugees, RNLI and women’s refuges have all benefited recently Long may it continue.
Does any part of that sentence address the question I posed? I'm not suggesting even the remotest of support for the government, I'm not on the same book let alone page as our latest "leaders". At the same time the utter lack of "tolerance" for a group/generation that preaches devotion to it seems lost on anyone. This whole post and the fundraiser is basically "let's laugh at how stupid and racist anyone who doesn't agree with us is". Tolerance... aye, alright.
Looks to me like someone who mistakenly thinks that they are liberal, but in actual fact is just the next in a very, very very long line of snide, sneering, condescending people who give those of us who are actually true liberals a bad name by sneering at those with different views by implying they’re thick. People like him are the number one reason why we lost the Brexit vote. Still, I went to the Choose Love page and donated there so I suppose indirectly it has worked.
We'll have to agree to disagree mate. I genuinely think it's an ego stroke and a good laugh at the "gammons" more than it is a deep calling for people in need.
Pompey - you and I would get on. I don't doubt we have similar views of the world. But, and let's not kid ourselves, the whole point of this is to "fool gammons" into donating money on the mistaken belief that it's something for retired/discharged troops rather than refugees. There's groups of people waiting for the comments of _Britain First_ or similar ilk to give themselves a laugh. The whole fundraiser is a laugh at those "less educated" than us. Hilarious. As I have said, that really irks me. Some of those people aren't "gammons". But yet they are all lumped in with the same group. Hilarious. L
Just pointing out that folk who think everyone who holds different views are thick and uneducated aren’t liberals. That’s all. It’s an uncomfortable truth that the liberal movement is absolutely full of people who think and behave like that. I honestly think that Brexit was lost because a lot of normal folk just wanted to say a big ‘ you’ to that attitude.